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  • Registrant : mikame
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/01/11
  • Published : 2023/01/11
  • Changed :2023/01/11
  • Total View : 547 persons
2023/1/18 - 2023/1/18 / Honolulu, HI / Music live / Concert

Fureai Kannon Concert at Honolulu Myohoji Temple

A concert will be held at Honolulu Myohoji Temple. There will be a professional opera singer, Mr. Yamamura, the abbot, a cappella world champion, Ms. Ayumi Ueda, and a live marimba performance. Everyone is invited to come to the concert.

Fureai Kannon Concert

Ayumi Ueda (singing )
Mika Erickson (marimba, piano )
Ryoko Kobayashi<(piano )
Takamasa Yamamura Tenor ) Takamasa

Honolulu Myohoji Temple
Venue Honolulu Myohoji Temple
Address 2003 Nuuanu Ave, Honolulu, HI, 96817
Date 2023/1/18 - 2023/1/18
Time 17:00 minute(s) - 19:00 minute(s)
Time detail 17:00, Cafe service opens
18:00, Concert begins
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Venue detail 駐車場完備

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