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  • [Registrant] : Kay
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Honolulu (Kakaako Waterfront), Hawaii, United States of America (Middle Hawai'ian Islands territorial waters)
  • Posted : 2024/10/19
  • Published : 2024/10/19
  • Changed :2024/10/19
  • Total View : 926 persons
Circle members

Park Yoga

We offer yoga in the park at Magic Island every Saturday morning in Japanese.

Even if you have never done yoga before, it is a great time to do it while looking at the blue sky and ocean of Hawaii.

Beginners and travelers are welcome.
Please join us.

You can check the schedule, RSVP, and DM at the meetup link here.

We look forward to seeing you 🧘🧘‍ ♀ ️🧘🏽 ‍ ♂ ️


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