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  • [Registrant] : aloha828
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Honolulu
  • Posted : 2024/02/29
  • Published : 2024/02/29
  • Changed :2024/02/29
  • Total View : 269 person

Thanks/I'm looking for a babysitter for a 6 year old boy.

I recently applied here for someone to take care of my son, and I am very grateful to the many people who contacted me.

This time we found a person who will take care of our son.

I felt that it was unreasonable to ask for the time of those who contacted me to take care of my child, but the warmth of the people who contacted me made me feel relieved and I am very grateful. We cannot give you a lot of money because we have to take into account our living environment, and we feel that it is not very easy to ask you to stay up late at night, but we are sure that we will ask you here again, and we hope that we can have a long relationship with you again. I hope to have a long term relationship with you again.
(Reward ➕ I work in a restaurant, so the least I can do is to give you a delicious meal when I hand you over to you ^^)

Thank you all for your kindness.
Thank you very much for those who have tried to help us.

Vivinavi - Find Info

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