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We are loved by everyone! We can help you with all your cleaning needs, from routine cleaning to major cleaning and partial cleaning ! Cleaning of Hawaii vacation homes, homes, condominiums, offices, stores, etc., cleaning before and after move-in, cleaning after remodeling, regular cleaning of homes, regular cleaning of vacation homes, regular cleaning of offices, inside of lighting fixtures, water areas, air conditioning cleaning, etc. We can also provide special cleaning services to meet your needs. We offer special cleaning services for small areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, washrooms, toilets, and air conditioner cleaning.

ハワイでおもてなし! 日本の徹底したお掃除で、丁寧に対応いたします。

ハワイの別荘, ご自宅, コンドミニアム, オフィス, 店舗等の清掃。
入居前、入居後清掃、リフォーム後のお掃除、ご自宅の定期清掃、別荘の定期清掃、オフィスの定期清掃、照明器具の内部や水廻り (キッチン、バスルーム、洗面、トイレ) 等の細かい部分や、エアコンお掃除などお客様のご要望にあわせ特別清掃で承ります。

Phone +1 (808) 209-3719
Address Ste 600, Honolulu, HI, 96815 US
Hours Sunday 9:00-17:00
Monday 9:00-17:00
Tuesday 9:00-17:00
Wednesday 9:00-17:00
Thursday 9:00-17:00
Friday 9:00-17:00
Saturday 9:00-17:00

Vivinavi - Town Guide

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