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July 26, 2024
Crater Road will be closed for a week starting at 6 a.m. Saturday, July 27, as a safety precaution amid an active 574-acre Crater Road fire nearby, County of Maui officials announced today.
The road will remain closed through 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3. The road closure is expected to be in the area of Mile Marker 3.
The Crater Road fire in Upper Kula remains 80 percent contained.
After portions of Crater Road were closed since July 10 due to the fire, the road was reopened at noon July 24, 2024, before the latest closure.
Safety concerns raised after the road was reopened led to the reclosure, according to the County of Maui Department of Fire and Public Safety. The department anticipates that work done during the weeklong closure will allow for the road to be reopened.
Haleakala National Park is under federal jurisdiction. For information on park access and hours, visit
For more information on the Crater Road fire, sign up for Maui Emergency Management Agency alerts and follow County of Maui and Maui Fire Department on Facebook and Instagram.
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