NR 07-23-24 (Kaua‘i Committee on the Status of Women launches Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign)
- [注册人]County of Kaua'i Public Information Officer
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Lihue, Hawaii, アメリカ合衆国
- 注册日期 : 2024/07/23
- 发布日 : 2024/07/23
- 更改日期 : 2024/07/23
- 总浏览次数 : 114 人
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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: July 23, 2024
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(808) 241-4917
*Kaua‘i Committee on the Status of Women launches
Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign*
LĪHU‘E – The Kaua‘i Committee on the Status of Women (KCSW) launched a Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign on Tuesday, unveiling new signage that will be placed at county park restroom facilities.
A small ceremony was held in the Līhu‘e Civic Center’s Mo‘ikeha Rotunda to celebrate the campaign’s launch with approximately 70 people in attendance including representatives from the KCSW, Kaua‘i Police Department, YWCA, Kaua‘i County Council, and Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami.
First Lady Monica Kawakami, a member of the KCSW, is leading this initiative and gave opening remarks on Tuesday.
“Growing up here on Kaua‘i and teaching at Kapa‘a Middle School for over 20 years, I can strongly say that teachers have seen, heard, and have at times intervened in issues that our community has dealt with,” said Kawakami during Tuesday’s ceremony. “Many of these issues are heartbreaking and often times it is easy for the general public to say ‘these things don’t happen here.’ That these issues are ‘big city problems.’ Human trafficking is one of those issues. It is a tricky issue to resolve, hard to detect, and it is heartbreaking to know that victims want to escape, but don’t know how to get help.”
Kaua‘i Chief of Police Todd Raybuck thanked all partners for the opportunity to raise awareness on this important issue and reflected on his experience during his tenure in law enforcement.
“In my career, I’ve unfortunately witnessed too often the sex trafficking that occurs out in the open,” said Chief Raybuck. “It really is the underbelly of society where many victims fall prey to that lifestyle and none of them are there by choice. And as the first lady said, this is not just a big city problem. Last year, here in Hawai‘i the FBI assisted in rescuing six juveniles from human trafficking. This is a problem in our state, but the first step to change is awareness and educating others on how to identify victims and most importantly how to rescue them from this crime.”
Council Vice Chair KipuKai Kuali‘i spoke on behalf of the Kaua‘i County Council.
“Awareness is the ability to shine a light on a problem. Educating people on how to help or where they can go to get help is critical to address human trafficking,” said Vice Chair Kuali‘i. “Together, we must stop this exploitation of people, especially children, that robs them of their freedom, innocence and dignity. A big mahalo nui loa to our county’s First Lady Monica Kawakami, to the entire Committee on the Status of Women, to Mayor Kawakami, and to everyone involved in making this campaign a success.”
Abigail Naaykens, YWCA’s director of crisis services, also spoke at the ceremony and offered services their organization provides for victims. Additionally, while she was unable to attend in person, Jessica Munoz, founder of Ho‘ola Na Pua and Pearl Haven, provided a heartfelt message that was read by Kaleo Carvalho of the Office of the Mayor.
“Human trafficking takes on many forms in the state of Hawai‘i - from sex trafficking to labor trafficking. The issue can no longer be overlooked but must be a priority issue with strategic solutions brought to the forefront,” Munoz said in her message. “I am honored to support the initiatives here on Kaua‘i and believe this can start a chain reaction for the rest of the counties here in our Aloha state to follow.”
The ceremony concluded with the Mayor Kawakami presenting a proclamation to the KCSW, and further encouraging all to get involved and learn the warning signs of human trafficking.
The new signage that will be placed in county park restroom facilities will be displayed in various languages and will provide the phone numbers victims may call or text if they need help.
Ho‘ola Na Pua is hosting a statewide sign-waving event to raise awareness about human trafficking and exploitation. The Kaua‘i event will be held on July 30, from 3 to 5 p.m., on Rice Street fronting the Historic County Building. For more information on this event, visit
If you are a victim of human trafficking, please call 1-888-373-7888 or 808-245-6362. You may also text HELP to 233733. For more information on the human trafficking issue, please visit
For information on the YWCA Kaua‘i and services, visit The YWCA’s hotline is available 24/7 by calling 808-245-6362.
*_About Kaua‘i Committee on the Status of Women:_*
The KCSW is part of the Hawai‘i State Commission on the Status of Women, which strives to advance the status of women and girls by acting as a catalyst for positive change through advocacy, education, collaboration, and program development. For more information on the KCSW, visit [ ].
If you need ASL interpreter, materials in an alternate format, or other auxiliary and support, please contact the Office of Boards and Commissions at 808-241-4919 or via email to Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.
Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign - Group Photo
A small ceremony was held in the Līhu‘e Civic Center’s Mo‘ikeha Rotunda on Tuesday, to celebrate the Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign launched by the Kaua‘i Committee on the Status of Women.
10x10 pixel white boxHuman Trafficking Awareness Campaign - Monica Kawakami
First Lady Monica Kawakami, a member of the Kaua‘i Committee on the Status of Women, is leading this initiative and gave opening remarks on Tuesday.
10x10 pixel white boxHuman Trafficking Awareness Campaign - Chief Raybuck
Kaua‘i Police Chief Todd Raybuck thanked all partners for the opportunity to raise awareness on this important issue during Tuesday’s ceremony.
10x10 pixel white boxHuman Trafficking Awareness Campaign - KipuKai Kualii
Council Vice Chair KipuKai Kuali‘i spoke on behalf of the Kaua‘i County Council.
10x10 pixel white boxHuman Trafficking Awareness Campaign - KCSW group photo
From left to right: Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami; First Lady Monica Kawakami – KCSW Member; Edith Ignacio Neumiller – Hawai‘i State Commission on the Status of Women Kaua‘i Representative; Abigail Naaykens – YWCA’s Director of Crisis Services; and Jennifer Hill – KCSW Member. Missing KCSW members from photo: Chair Emma White, Vice Chair Sara Miura, Treasurer Regina Carvalho, Secretary Darcie Yukimura, and Member Lori Barrett.
10x10 pixel white boxHuman Trafficking Awareness Campaign - audience
Approximately 70 people attended the launch of the Kaua‘i Committee on the Status of Women’s Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign on Tuesday, at the Līhu‘e Civic Center’s Mo‘ikeha Rotunda.
10x10 pixel white boxHuman Trafficking Awareness Campaign - Signage
Pictured above is the signage that will be placed at county park restroom facilities.
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