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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: July 11, 2024
Kaua'i Police
(808) 241-1600
*Multi-agency **search and recovery operation continues for helicopter crash*
Multiple agencies are continuing a search and recovery operation for a helicopter that crashed in waters about a quarter mile offshore, fronting the Hanakoa Valley along Na Pali Coast on Thursday. The Federal Aviation Administration has put a temporary flight restriction for the search area during this operation.
Kaua‘i Police Dispatch received the report of the incident at approximately 1:20 p.m. A helicopter with Ali‘i Kaua‘i Air Tours and Charters was involved in the crash.
“Our hearts go out to the families impacted by this tragedy. We will continue working with our partners to locate the missing individuals and provide support during this difficult time,” said Police Chief Todd Raybuck. “Our multi-agency response remains focused on the search and recovery efforts.”
According to a preliminary report, one person was recovered at approximately 2:25 p.m. and confirmed dead, with two others missing. Their identities have not been released.
“We are incredibly sad to hear of the life tragically lost today, and the two other individuals who are still missing after a helicopter crashed into waters off Kaua‘i’s Na Pali Coast,” said Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami. “While we do not know all the details surrounding the incident at this time, we do know that our first responders are doing everything they can in this emergency operation. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all involved.”
“We extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones of those involved in this terrible incident,” said acting Governor Sylvia Luke. “As search and recovery operations continue, the State stands fully prepared to work in tandem with the County of Kaua‘i and our Federal partners. We thank all responders and agency partners for their assistance during this difficult time.”
The United States Coast Guard, personnel with the Kaua‘i Fire Department, Rescue 3 aboard Air 1, the Kaua‘i Emergency Management Agency, the Hawai‘i Emergency Management Agency, personnel with the Ocean Safety Bureau, and the Kaua‘i Police Department are responding to this incident.
According to a preliminary report, hikers along the Kalalau Trail witnessed the helicopter crash into the water and reported the incident to dispatch Thursday afternoon.
Search and rescue operations with County assets will be paused at sundown due to the safety of the first responders, and County operations will continue at first light on Friday. However, crews with the United States Coast Guard will search throughout the evening on Thursday.
The next news release will be expected by 11 a.m. tomorrow, July 12.
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the Kaua‘i Police Department or its representatives, please email kpdpio@kauai.gov. Mahalo!
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