NR 03-19-25 (OED invites public to celebrate Earth Month at Ho‘olaule‘a No Ka Honua on April 5)
- [登録者]County of Kaua'i Public Information Officer
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Lihue, Hawaii, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2025/03/19
- 掲載日 : 2025/03/19
- 変更日 : 2025/03/19
- 総閲覧数 : 16 人
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+1 (808) 892-1711Hanapua Flowers
County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: March 19, 2025
RISE Logo (transparent background)
(808) 241-4946
*OED invites public to celebrate Earth Month at Ho‘olaule‘a No Ka Honua on April 5*
LĪHU‘E – The public is invited to join a no-cost celebration of sustainability and agriculture at Ho‘olaule‘a no ka Honua, A Celebration for the Earth. This third annual event, hosted by the County of Kaua‘i Office of Economic Development and the Kaua‘i Economic Development Board, is set to take place on Saturday, April 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Kaua‘i Philippine Cultural Center in Līhu‘e.
“Ho‘olaule‘a No Ka Honua celebrates our shared commitment to sustainability, highlighting the strength of community and collaboration,” said OED Director Nalani Brun. “Our island flourishes through collective care for the land and one another, reinforcing that sustainability is a shared responsibility and a united effort.”
This year’s theme highlights the importance of native and canoe plants, showcasing their vital role in Hawai‘i’s culture, food systems, and environmental resilience. Celebrate, learn, and be inspired by the deep connection between flora and fauna and the sustainability of our ‘āina.
“Ho‘olaule‘a No Ka Honua reflects the spirit of "ʻAʻohe hua o ka maiʻa i ka lā hoʻokahi"—‘Bananas do not fruit in a single day.’,” said KEDB Executive Director Jackie Kaina. “True change takes time and collective effort. This Earth Day celebration encourages us to take action, big or small, to help protect our ‘āina, advance sustainability, and build a thriving future for generations to come.”
Bring the whole ‘ohana for a day filled with hands-on activities, live demonstrations, and cultural showcases. Explore, learn, and be inspired as we honor our island’s natural resources, local food systems, and rich heritage. From interactive vendor exhibits to vibrant performances, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
The day’s activities include:
* *Learning Opportunities*: Connect with more than 20 community-based organizations dedicated to agriculture and conservation efforts on Kaua‘i. Learn how to support their work and get involved in protecting our ‘āina.
* *Live Demonstrations*: Discover how to incorporate native and canoe plants into your daily life through live lei-making, native and canoe-plant cooking, and lā‘au lapa‘au demonstrations.
* *Entertainment*: Enjoy a lively day with emcees Chanel Flores and Nick Kaneakua, prize giveaways, music from the Kapa‘a Middle School Choir and ‘Ukulele Band, and a family-friendly afternoon matinee.
The Office of Economic Development would like to thank Mental Health America of Hawai‘i and the Kaua‘i Island Utility Company for sponsoring this event.
For more information, visit [ ] or contact Niki Kunioka-Volz at
To sign up as a volunteer, scan the QR code below or visit [ ].
Earth Day Volunteer Registration QR Code
If you need an auxiliary aid/service, other accommodation due to a disability, or an interpreter for non-English-speaking persons, please contact either Niki Kunioka-Volz at 808-241-4951 or or Ana Espanola at 808-241-1969 or as soon as possible. Requests made early will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the County of Kaua‘i, its departments or representatives, please email the County of Kaua‘i's Communications Team at to ensure a timely response to your request. Mahalo!
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