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- 诞生于夏威夷,深受日本众多明星喜爱的时尚品牌。♪服装全部采用手工刺绣和染色,以 ...
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Pesca Waikiki Beach 是特殊场合和夏威夷之行必去的海鲜餐厅,在这里您可以一边品尝新鲜的海鲜,一边俯瞰夏威夷的壮丽景色。餐厅还可用于举办婚礼,敬请光临。
+1 (808) 777-3100Pesca Waikiki Beach
- 夏威夷 ・ 位于卡帕胡鲁(Kapahulu)的 Tonkatsu(冬阴功汤)餐馆...
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+1 (808) 922-1212とんかつ玉藤
- 我们是夏威夷在移民和签证手续方面经验最丰富的律师事务所之一。请随时与我们联系,就...
+1 (808) 531-7979Kagimoto, Elton S. Attorney at Law
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+1 (808) 799-0666Top Builder Construction, Inc.
- 自开业以来,我们已经经营了 15 年以上,深受夏威夷人民的喜爱。如果您在夏威夷想...
Restaurant Inaba 在夏威夷提供正宗日本料理已有 15 年之久。如果您想念夏威夷的日本风味,如荞麦面、天妇罗、乌冬面和寿司,请光临我们的餐厅。我们期待为您提供正宗的荞麦面。
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出生于日本东京。毕业于密歇根州立大学,获得医学心理学学位。在日本三井物产株式会社总部工作后,曾在美国通用汽车公司、日产设计公司和日本航空公司工作,后获得房地产交易执照和房地产经纪人执照。她在美国生活了 30 多年,包括在夏威夷。 她致力于提供最佳服务,确保您的房地产交易顺利进行。
+1 (808) 591-2002モアナリアルティー
- "Eat Local" 我们正在开发以本地生产本地消费为主题的餐厅、咖啡馆、牛排...
"Eat Local" 我们正在开发以本地生产本地消费为主题的餐厅、咖啡馆、牛排馆和酒馆。我们将继续创建与城镇发展相联系的餐厅。
+1 (808) 922-2221ZETTON, INC.
- 提供外卖 !] 众多媒体采访 ! 东京的人气餐厅在阿拉莫阿那购物中心开业,这在夏...
新店开业,位于阿拉莫阿那购物中心美食广场 ( Makai Market ) 这家人气餐厅在东京有四家分店,是名人和知名人士经常光顾的地方。 "大蒜牛排 "曾被众多媒体报道,是只有在这里才能品尝到的美味。 敬请光临 ^ ^ 蒜味牛排 蒜味虾 洛可摩卡
+1 (808) 940-7979STEAK TEPPEI
- 提供欢乐时光优惠 ! 多种夏威夷特色菜肴供您选择。品尝最美味的乌冬面。我们的工匠...
享受正宗的乌龙面,用工匠的技术在大碗中准备好。 在经过洗礼的日本现代氛围中享受典型的日本料理。
+1 (808) 888-8559つるとんたん
- 当您搬到新家、度假屋或面包房时,请将清洁工作交给我们。我们的日本清洁专业人员将保...
夏威夷 ・ 我们为檀香山的度假出租物业、欧胡岛的别墅物业以及夏威夷居民提供房屋清洁服务。我们的员工都是日本人,都是主要从事房屋清洁工作的专业人士。我们采用专业技术,始终保持水和窗户这些难以积聚污垢的地方的清洁。 Bakeren ・ 度假屋 ・ 搬家 ・ 装修后和年终清洁 ・ 定期清洁 ・ 高级住宅清洁
+1 (808) 224-4108Yuka's Housekeeping
- 这是深受当地人和游客喜爱的铁板烧餐厅 Yakiyaki Miwa 的夏威夷分店,...
夏威夷为数不多的铁板烧特色餐厅之一。 在这里,您可以品尝到在夏威夷新鲜采摘的烧烤蔬菜和海鲜,以及在您眼前精心烹制的上等牛排,最后还可以品尝到许多三和独创的粉末菜肴。 主厨来自日本,会讲日语,您可以放心地在这里用餐。
+1 (808) 983-3838Yaki Yaki Miwa
July 19, 2024
Crater Road Fire containment remains at 80% and 574 acres, with no fire growth, as of 7 p.m. tonight, according to Maui Fire Department (MFD). No injuries or structural damages have been reported. Fire crews continued working today, with most of the activity centered on the northeast side of the fire. MFD and partners used portable water tanks, long hose lays and helicopter drops to address hot spots. Heavy equipment continued to improve existing containment lines as well as the contingency lines on the southwest side of the fire. After flying all morning, helicopters spent a few hours on the ground in the early afternoon as a result of heavy cloud cover. By midafternoon, they were back in the air, making drops on hot spots dug up by crews with hand tools. Tankers from MFD, County Public Works and Alpha Construction Inc. shuttled water to the incident scene to support fire-control efforts. An MFD command element, along with an engine and a tanker will remain onsite overnight. N5 sensors remain in place. Nighttime drone flights of the area are also planned.
For night operations, MFD command element, engine and tanker. Portable N5 sensors. Nighttime drone flights. Crews, aircraft, heavy equipment and tankers will return tomorrow.
Crater Road and Haleakalā National Park remain closed. State DLNR DOFAW on 7/16 reopened the Kula Forest Reserve and all Nā Ala Hele Trails in the reserve, which was closed 7/12 as a precautionary measure. DLNR DOFAW “encourages all visitors to the forest reserve to use extreme caution to avoid sparking any new fires.”
Barring emergencies, Friday, 7/19, will be the final daily update via County of Maui press release, website and social media; after Friday, periodic updates will be distributed by MFD.
The Crater Road fire is far uphill relative to the County Department of Water Supply water system, and there are no current concerns over the safety of the Upcountry drinking water, according to County Water Supply Director John Stufflebean. However, DWS is prepared to respond should the system be threatened.
MFD reported the Crater Road fire at about 6:13 p.m. 7/10. MEMA’s Emergency Operations Center was partially activated at 8:02 p.m. 7/10 in response to the fire. Mayor Richard Bissen signed an Emergency Proclamation at 7:20 a.m. 7/11, which authorizes the County to access federal assistance programs for individuals and public infrastructure, including funds for emergency response efforts to ensure continued and effective countywide response. Two emergency advisories to prepare for potential evacuations were posted then lifted hours later. News conferences were held with Acting Gov. Sylvia Luke at the County building on 7/11 and 7/15 to provide updates on the fire.
Sign up for MEMA alerts atwww.mauicounty.gov/MEMA and follow County of Maui and Maui Fire Department on Facebook and Instagram. Find mental health support due to stress, anxiety and trauma from the wildfires at or by calling the Hawaiʻi Cares Crisis Line at 988.
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