- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 🏠 租房信息 | 房屋 ・ 公寓🌴 我们可以帮助你的房地产 ! 我们会把你想卖的...
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+1 (808) 223-5063GOLDSEAI Honolulu
- 非常受欢迎的咖啡馆,有来自夏威夷的新鲜蔬菜制成的熟食午餐 ! 每天使用各种夏威夷...
用夏威夷新鲜蔬菜制作熟食午餐的人气咖啡馆 ! 每天使用各种夏威夷蔬菜新鲜烹制的美味佳肴。 素食 各种冰沙
+1 (808) 737-2840KAIMANA FARM CAFE
- Dean & DeLuca Hawaii 是一家汇集世界各地美味食品的食品专卖店...
DEAN&DELUCA 是您从世界各地购买美食的来源。DEAN & DELUCA Hawaii 是一家汇集世界各地美味食品的食品精品店。我们利用当地的新鲜食材提供各种产品,帮助顾客重新发现夏威夷的美味。为了让威基基这个国际度假胜地的日常生活变得更加与众不同…,两家店铺各具特色,将提供 "观赏的乐趣、制作的乐趣和食用的乐趣"。
+1 (808) 729-9720DEAN & DELUCA HAWAII
- 快来品尝我们每天手工制作的美味大杂烩吧。您可以在网上订购菜单上的所有 104 种...
想要放松时,就来 Iyasu Yume 吧。这里提供用大米和手工制品制作的美味饭团和便当。 Iyasu Yume 于 2000 年开业,是夏威夷第一家专营饭团的餐厅,也是夏威夷日式饭团行业的先驱。用大米和手工制作的日式饭团新鲜出炉,不分国籍,深受顾客喜爱。最受欢迎的是 Spam 饭团,它是日本和夏威夷食材的完美结合。从最基本的到独创的、精致的 Spam 饭团,都是 IYASUME 的著名口味。...
(808) 465-9682Musubi Cafe Iyasume
+1 (808) 922-3235Hawaii Palms English School
- 夏威夷最好的拉面馆] 享受一套他们的招牌拉面,外脆内嫩的饺子。有素食拉面!。
+1 (808) 425-4415大野屋ラーメン | ONOYA RAMEN
- KOBI's Shiatsu Hawaii 在檀香山有 20 年的经验,每小时 ...
患有僵硬和疼痛的人。睡不好的人。真正想从心底放松的人。 请尝试 KOBI 的指压。它不是千篇一律的按摩,而是根据每个人的症状量身定制的指压。 每小时60美元,无旅行费用。我可以到檀香山和该地区的任何地方。
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- 这是一家位于威基基的外卖餐厅,在这里您可以品尝到世界各地的家常菜,包括用丰满的大...
一盘盘大小适中的食物都经过精心烹制和供应。所有菜肴都很容易上口,非常受欢迎。 请在 Evinomi !品尝世界各地的家常菜。
+1 (808) 744-1661EbiNomi
- 鸟取县的当地拉面。 这种拉面已经流行了60多年,据说它起源于战后的满洲菜。Kam...
鸟取县的当地拉面。 这种拉面已经流行了60多年,据说它起源于战后的满洲菜。Kami Toku ( Kami Toku )是一家历史悠久的老店,是县内最有名的牛骨拉面店之一。 用60年不变的方法制作的汤,有一种怀旧和深刻的味道。请尝试一碗有灵魂的汤!。
+1 (808) 784-0292香味徳ラーメン | Kamitoku Ramen
- 运动和生活的下半场很有趣 ! 支持活跃老年人的夏威夷生活方式。
夏威夷老年人生活协会的成立旨在帮助日语活跃的老年人更好地享受夏威夷。 该协会每年举办 200 多场活动,包括每周五的定期活动以及讲座和音乐会等各种特别活动。 还有尤克里里・圈、气功、卡拉 OK、室内游戏和其他圈子活动,让会员们相互了解。 该组织由包括董事会成员在内的多名志愿者运营。如果您想在夏威夷享受第二人生并结交朋友,请加入我们。
+1 (808) 428-5808NPO ハワイシニアライフ協会
- 成立26年的正宗韩国餐厅 ! SINCE 1997 ★ 交通便利,位于威基基地区...
这家正宗的韩国餐厅自 1997 年开业以来已有 26 年的历史。 回头客很多,深受当地人的喜爱。! 也适合大型团体用餐 ! ●开业 26 年的正宗韩国料理店 ! SINCE 1997 ●让您流连忘返的美味 ! 回头客多,深受当地人喜爱 ●受到当地人和游客的欢迎
●便利的地理位置 ! 从皇家夏威夷中心步行3分钟,位于威基基的中心地带 ●日式料理 OK ! 烤肉套餐和韩国... +1 (808) 922-3387GINZA WON RESTAURANT
- 位于卡卡科的H-Mart的韩国餐厅。
丰富的韩国菜阵容,包括砂锅饭、海鲜煎饼、bulgogi、sundubu jjigae等。还提供Jajang面条等。
+1 (808) 201-1196GAMA
- 它是日本第一家专门经营新鲜奶油的商店。该店拥有令人难以置信的丰富的新鲜奶油,在高...
+1 (808) 376-0435MILK
- 五星虾,以前是威基基海滩步行街附近最受欢迎的餐车,现在开了一个新的地点。虾是用大...
五星虾餐厅(Five Star Shrimp)前身是威基基海滩步行街附近的一家餐车外卖餐厅,现在在这里开业 ! 我们的蒜蓉虾用蒜蓉调味,肉质饱满。您一定会喜欢的。 我们的菜单上有三个品种:蒜蓉虾、香辣虾和柠檬黄油虾 ( ) 。 每种都配有米饭和沙拉。我们还有 "纯虾盘",顾名思义,只有虾。
+1 (808) 376-0435Five Star Shrimp
- 珍珠港太平洋航空博物馆也是第二次世界大战的发生地,它是在一个由当时实际使用的机库...
太平洋航空博物馆珍珠港位于历史悠久的福特岛,1941 年 12 月 7 日珍珠港遭受袭击时,炸弹就是在这里投掷的。 博物馆标志性的158英尺高的红白相间的福特岛控制塔、37号机库(主楼)和79号机库(2号展厅)、以及79号机库的玻璃窗内都再现了当天发生的事件,79号机库内至今仍保留着当天的子弹。37 号机库拥有第二个世界级的子弹展厅。37 号机库陈列着第二次世界大战期间的飞机,而 79 号机库则停...
(808) 441-1000Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor
August 03, 2024
The Department of Water Supply amended the Unsafe Water Advisory for Lahainaʻs remaining zones to remove areas L-5 and L-6. Water serving buildings and homes in areas L-5 and L-6 is now declared safe for unrestricted use effective August 02, 2024. Therefore, as of this date, all water in the public water system in Lahaina is safe to drink.
The Department of Water Supply verifies its water quality testing up to the water meter. For privately owned water systems, it is the property manager’s responsibility to test the water quality of their properties. Community members can search an address using the interactive Water Advisory Map at www.mauirecovers.org/water to confirm if their address requires testing; these areas are denoted on the Water Advisory Map with green hatch marks.
“This is one of the most important milestones that our community has reached, well ahead of schedule, thanks to the determined and tenacious efforts of our County of Maui Department of Water supply crews, in close collaboration with the State Department of Health (DOH) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),” said Mayor Richard Bissen. “This is a momentous accomplishment that will benefit those living in standing homes, and assist our residents who are making plans to rebuild.”
The coordination required to complete this work was significant, said County Water Director John Stufflebean. “In order to overcome numerous challenging obstacles, County crews and our DOH and EPA partners united toward one goal, which resulted in the lifting of the Unsafe Water Advisory for Lahaina in less than one year from the devasting wildfires of August 2023,” Director Stufflebean said. “We are grateful for their valuable assistance in reaching this key objective.”
In areas L-5 and L-6 there were a total of 1,945 lots, of which 1,310 were fire-impacted, totaling about 67% impacted. There were also a total of 1,293 water service laterals in areas L-5 and L-6 of which, over 900 were sampled and 830 were cut and capped to isolate the laterals from the system.
Water may have stagnated in the plumbing of homes and buildings within areas L-5 and L-6, while the advisories were in effect, and the Department of Water Supply recommends customers flush their lines to remove any standing water in plumbing and pipes due to non-use and replace it with fresh water. Lines may be flushed by opening valves and letting the faucets run for at least 10 minutes.
Customers experiencing water issues can call the Department of Water Supply at (808) 270-7633.
The Unsafe Water Advisory was issued on August 11, 2023, as a precautionary measure due to the unknown impacts of the August 2023 Maui wildfires on the drinking water system in the area. In Upper Kula and Lahaina, structures in the water system in both areas were destroyed by the fires, and some areas in the system experienced water pressure loss. These conditions may have caused harmful contaminants to enter the water system.
The Department of Water Supply has been working closely with the Hawai`i State Department of Health and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to complete the sampling and testing, isolate the system from fire damaged structures to remove the potential for any contamination, and conduct ongoing water quality sampling and testing at key points throughout the system. The decision to amend the Unsafe Water Advisory for Lahaina was based on multiple lines of evidence collected through this process.
For more information about the Unsafe Water Advisory, the Department of Water Supply’s Volatile Organic Compounds investigation, requesting a replacement water meter, next steps, as well as answers to frequently asked questions, go to https://www.mauirecovers.org/water.
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