NR 07-25-24 (Reminder: Planning Department launches East Kaua‘i Communit y and Circulation Plan Project, public invited to open house on July 25)
- [注册人]County of Kaua'i Public Information Officer
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Lihue, Hawaii, アメリカ合衆国
- 注册日期 : 2024/07/25
- 发布日 : 2024/07/25
- 更改日期 : 2024/07/25
- 总浏览次数 : 72 人
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- 我们将继续在日本风味和日本创意料理的旗帜下,将夏威夷和日本联系在一起,每天都有新...
Minatoku Kitchen 是一家以日本风味为主题的餐厅,深受当地人的喜爱。Minatoku Kitchen 距离威基基(Waikiki)地区不远,是游客品尝海外风味小吃、歇歇脚的好去处。我们的米饭是用鱼沼越光大米制作的,饭团和肉卷深受当地人的喜爱。我们希望当地人和游客都能光临并使用我们的餐厅。
Minatoku Kitchen
County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: July 25, 2024
RISE Logo (transparent background)
(808) 241-4050
*Reminder: Planning Department launches East Kaua‘i Community and Circulation Plan Project, public invited to open house on July 25*
KAPA‘A – The County of Kaua‘i Planning Department has announced the start of the East Kaua‘i Community and Circulation Plan and invites the community to get involved.
To kick off the project, a community open house will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., on Thursday, July 25, at “Kalukalu at 1624” Economic Resilience Center located at 1624 Kūhiō Highway, Kapa‘a (also known as the former Otsuka Building). This is a family-friendly event and food will be provided.
At the open house, the project team will share information and findings of early technical studies conducted on the needs of the district. The open house will also provide a space for collective visioning and discussion around the desired future for East Kaua‘i and key issues and opportunities to be addressed in the plan.
The East Kaua‘i Community and Circulation Plan is intended to build on previous community planning efforts from the 2018 Kaua‘i Kākou General Plan with a focus on the unique challenges and opportunities of the East Kaua‘i district. The plan will include guidance for future land use, key policy areas, and capital expenditures through 2045.
“The theme for the islandwide General Plan update was ‘Kaua‘i Kākou’, which recognized that we need to work together to plan for our future. This theme rings true for this new district-specific project,” said Mayor Derek S.K. Kawakami. “This process will help to ensure that the qualities that make East Kaua‘i so unique and special are maintained and perpetuated for the future of our island and people.”
To gather public input, the Planning Department is hosting a series of community events including open houses, design workshops, policy review workshops, and targeted outreach to youth, kūpuna, and other stakeholders. The project website will feature virtual open houses, surveys, and other ways for people to engage and provide comments. Mayor Kawakami has also convened a Community Working Group to help guide the planning process with representatives from various sectors, including agriculture, business, culture and the environment, tourism, as well as community representatives from around the district.
The community open house on July 25 is an in-person event that will be paired with an online open house and survey available at [ ] from July 25 through August 28. Anyone who completes the survey will also be eligible to win one of two $50 gift card prizes.
“This plan is all about community-driven solutions, and we can't do it without you,” said Planning Director Ka‘āina Hull. “Your ideas and feedback are crucial for shaping a plan that reflects a collective vision for East Kaua‘i. I urge everyone to join us at the community open house and participate in the survey. Your feedback will help us build a more sustainable and connected future for East Kaua‘i.”
A public draft of the plan is expected in 2025. For more information about the East Kaua‘i Community & Circulation Plan process and to sign up for the project mailing list, visit [ ] or call the Long Range Planning Division at 808-241-4050.
If you need an auxiliary aid or other accommodation due to a disability, contact Marie Williams at the Planning Department at 808-241-4050 or as soon as possible. Requests made early will allow adequate time to fulfill your request. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy.
East Kauai Community and Circulation Plan Open House Flyer
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the County of Kaua‘i, its departments or representatives, please email the County of Kaua‘i's Communications Team at to ensure a timely response to your request. Mahalo!
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