教导 / 教育 / 课

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价格 25
付款方式 cash or checks
地域 Honolulu (Black Point), Hawaii, United States of America (Middle Hawai'ian Islands territorial waters)
対応可能曜日 星期一 星期三 星期五 星期六 星期日
时间段 16点00分~17点30分

I can adjust 30 minutes longer or shorter than default time setting.


I had a experience of a year of tutoring with 8th grader especially with Math but English also works for me.
Since this site usually seen by many Japanese users, I can hold conversation and understand Japanese.


Help with childrens homework/tutoring

Hello, this is the first time uploading to Vivinavi. I want to help students do their homework or projects. I am comfortable teaching with kids. I just graduated high school from Kalani. And I want to help students to keep up with their grade and so on.
I can teach also teach Japanese if there's someone who wants your kids to learn Japanese.
When it comes where do we going to teach is it could be my house which is near Kahala or I can come visit at your house and teach. Either would works for me.

  • 注册日期 : 2024/08/22
  • 发布日 : 2024/08/22
  • 更改日期 : 2024/08/22
  • 总浏览次数 : 592 人