Select [Wanted]

2024/11/27 (Wed)
Children's Handbell ・ Choir Children Wan...

Various events are planned at the church for Christmas.
A fun activity for children playing han...

2024/09/25 (Wed)
For DIYers who are good at DIY ! Can ins...

We would like to replace all the shades in our 3 bedroom condo and living room. \I am an amateur and...

2024/09/21 (Sat)
Due to an urgent return to Japan, I will...

Due to an urgent return to Japan, I will sell my car ・ furniture ・ and all household goods at a reas...

2024/07/24 (Wed)
Urgent Pet Sitter Wanted ( July 26 ( Fri...

Thank you all very much. We were able to safely ask the person who contacted us earliest.

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