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Canoe paddlers, surfers, kayakers and swimmers throughout Maui gathered at Hanaka‘ō‘ō Beach Park for an emotional paddle-out ceremony marking one year after the devastating Aug. 8, 2023, wildfires that took 102 lives, left two unaccounted for and destroyed thousands of homes and businesses.
Eventually growing to approximately 4,000 attendees, including about 1,000 participants who took to the ocean, the paddle out commemorated the losses suffered amid four fires that broke out last year. The community-inspired, County-supported gathering today kicked off nine “Kuhinia Maui: Week of Remembrance” events that continue through Sunday.
Grief, remembrance and reflection were interlaced with hope, strength and resiliency as residents stood alongside one another during a blessing by Kumu Kapono‘ai Molitau. A special ceremony was held featuring the presentation of a ho‘okupu (offering) of native plants from Lahaina, followed by a chant offered by community members praying that Lahaina will be green once more and filled with lush, native foliage.
Grassroots advocacy group Lahaina Strong and Maui County Councilmember Tamara Paltin led the paddle out gathering, which was attended by Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen, Hawai‘i Gov. Josh Green and Hawai‘i congressional leaders U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz, U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono and U.S. Rep. Jill Tokuda.
“A year ago, many of us felt helpless and filled with sorrow as to how our lives changed overnight,” said Councilmember Paltin. “But since then, our aloha and compassion has shined bright for all of Maui. It is crucial that we continue to support each other physically and emotionally. Together, we will continue to rise.”
Lahaina Strong spokesperson Pa‘ele Kiakona said the wildfires made the community stronger.
“The most vivid memory I have etched in my mind forever are the days that followed the wildfires. No one sat around feeling sorry for themselves. No one gave up because it was too hard,” he said. “We all stood strong as this Lahaina community, even with open wounds, and did not hesitate to help one another. We are strong, we are resilient, and we are relentless like the sun of Lahaina.”
Hannibal Tavares Community Center in Pukalani was filled with residents from Kula and Olinda, areas first impacted by fires Aug. 8, 2023, along with other areas from around the island for the Upcountry Aloha Luncheon.
The event, from 10 a.m. to about 2 p.m., was the second gathering of Kuhinia Maui. Kumu Cody Pueo Pata opened the Upcountry Aloha Luncheon, Shea Derrick performed music and Kaipo Thomas offered pule.
Mayor Bissen, Gov. Green, Sen. Schatz, Sen. Hirono, Rep. Tokuda, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Col. Eric Swenson and Upcountry Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura spoke during the event, which provided lunch for attendees.
Sugimura emphasized the aloha that neighbors showed to one another and a sense of hope that has become evident as residents begin rebuilding.
“It has been quite a year for our residents, but today was a gathering for our people, to recognize the true aloha our community has had for each other,” she said.
Mayor Bissen reflected on the county’s commitment to residents. “I want you to know that the county is committed to continuing to serve you and helping you heal. I want to thank all the groups who came here to serve you. Please take advantage of these resources – especially today. And hold each other closer. Spend a little more time with one another.”
“It’s not just August 8th that you have suffered, but the 364 days since then,” Mayor Bissen added.
Kula Community Watershed Alliance set up an informational table on resources, including its Kula Fire Restoration Project. State Department of Health, Aloha House, Mauli Ola and others offered mental health resources and emotional support.
Attendees said it was therapeutic to have a space to reflect and connect.
In the evening, hundreds of residents filled Lahaina Civic Center to join in the One-Year Tribute and Remembrance from 5 to 7 p.m.
“One year ago, our lives were forever changed by the unimaginable devastation of the Maui wildfires,” said Mayor Bissen. “And while you have endured inconceivable suffering, I have witnessed the incredible grit, sacrifice and immeasurable courage from a community that has risen from its darkest hour.”
“In these difficult days forward, and as we navigate the ebb and flow of this recovery, take time to prioritize self-care,” Mayor Bissen continued. “Don’t forget to appreciate the little things, count your blessings, lead with kindness and find comfort in those friendships closest to you. It is through our shared grief and collective hope that we find the power to lift one another.”
The evening opened with ʻAha Hoʻīnana Ola by Kumu Molitau, Kumu Pata and Kumu Henohea Kane. Mayor Bissen, Gov. Green and Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deanne Criswell spoke, with Criswell sharing a special Maui message from U.S. President Joe Biden.
“My administration will be right there alongside you to help you rebuild,” Biden said in the letter. “Together, we have made tremendous progress this last year, but we have a lot more to do. Your traditions and the voices of those who have called the island home for generations will continue to guide the work ahead, and we will remain focused on supporting your ongoing recovery.”
Rev. Ai Hironaka of Lahaina Hongwanji Mission discussed faith and resilience. Community speakers presented messages of strength in ‘Ōlelo Hawaiʻi, Ilocano and Tagalog, Spanish, Samoan, Chinese, Tongan, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai and English. Amy Hanaialiʻi performed onstage before participants joined in an emotional and uplifting rendition of “Hawaiʻi Aloha.”
Kuhinia Maui gatherings continue at 9 a.m. Friday, Aug. 9, with the Aloha for Kūpuna Luncheon at Lahaina Civic Center and the Puana Aloha No Lahaina concert at 6 p.m., also at Lahaina Civic Center. For the full listing of events, visit www.kuhiniamaui.org.
County of Maui photos via Dropbox
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