- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- Po-Tama 是唯一一家提供冲绳家庭喜爱的新鲜猪肉蛋饭团的特色餐厅。请与味噌汤...
Po-Tama 是唯一一家提供备受喜爱的冲绳 "猪肉蛋饭团"()的特色餐厅。它的饭团是用 Spam 和鸡蛋做成的。此外,任何人都可以在这些饭团中夹入来自不同文化的任何配料!,我们还提供夏威夷版本的饭团,配以味噌汤!。
+1 (808) 376-0435ポーたま
- 我们将继续在日本风味和日本创意料理的旗帜下,将夏威夷和日本联系在一起,每天都有新...
Minatoku Kitchen 是一家以日本风味为主题的餐厅,深受当地人的喜爱。Minatoku Kitchen 距离威基基(Waikiki)地区不远,是游客品尝海外风味小吃、歇歇脚的好去处。我们的米饭是用鱼沼越光大米制作的,饭团和肉卷深受当地人的喜爱。我们希望当地人和游客都能光临并使用我们的餐厅。
Minatoku Kitchen
- 我们可以处理夏威夷的建筑工程,包括新建建筑、翻新和店铺改建。我们还从业务构思阶段...
我们可以为您提供在夏威夷开展业务的建议、签证申请以及公司成立后的所有运营支持 ! 如果您已经在夏威夷开展业务,我们也可以帮助您开展业务。我们还提供在夏威夷新建、扩建和改建商业楼宇和私人住宅的建筑服务。 ☑ 商业 ( 商业 ) 建筑 ・ 新建店铺 ・ 翻新空置空间 ・ 独立的管道和设备工程 ・ 店铺所需 ☑ 住宅 ( 住宅工程 ) ・ 新建住宅和别墅 ・ 公寓的全面翻修
+1 (808) 772-2516KKP Global - ハワイ コンサルティング
- 威基基唯一的日本超市】 新鲜食品 ・ 新鲜食品 ・ 化妆品 ・ 药品 ・ 文具 ...
季节性美食用鲜鱼制作的刺身和寿司深受夏威夷居民和游客的喜爱。宽敞的美食广场还配备了微波炉和热水壶。您可以在购物之余来此小憩,享用午餐或晚餐。 威基基的国际市场 ・ 库希欧街二楼的三和超市提供新鲜农产品、速食食品、调味品、婴儿食品(婴儿食品) ・ 冰淇淋 ・ 糖果和其他杂货。还有各种日用品、化妆品、药品、文具和书籍。 我们为夏威夷・游客提供与日本相同的安全・产品。手工制作的便当和日式寿司非常受欢...
+1 (808) 489-9020ミツワマーケットプレイス - ハワイ ワイキキ店
- 夏威夷最好的拉面馆] 享受一套他们的招牌拉面,外脆内嫩的饺子。有素食拉面!。
+1 (808) 425-4415大野屋ラーメン | ONOYA RAMEN
- 随到随走可以!营业到晚上8点!] 按摩店位于安娜摩纳购物中心1楼,在这里你可以放...
从熟练的治疗师的详细按摩到在高功能的按摩椅上的按摩。 你可以根据你的日程安排和你的疲劳状态来选择课程。 使用夏威夷传统精油的放松按摩 "Lomi Lomi "也可提供30分钟起。 在您等待的时候,您可以放松一下,尝试一下最新的按摩椅和小型椅载按摩器。
本店有一种休闲的氛围,所以请随时访问我们,无论是走访还是预约。 +1 (808) 589-6503Popoki Massage / ポポキマッサージ
- 日本清洁公司.夏威夷 ・ 在纽约迅速发展。体验可靠的日式清洁服务 ? 我们根据您...
・ 细心清洁:我们注重细节,让您的住宅或办公室焕然一新。 ・ 量身定制的服务:从定期清洁到彻底清洁,我们根据您的需求量身定制服务。 ・ 可靠准时:我们每次都会在约定的时间上门提供优质服务。 ・ 专业的做工:高质量、细致的做工,超出预期。 ・ 价格合理:高质量的服务,合理的价格。
+1 (646) 846-8068Lauri's Cleaning LLC
- Meaty Boy是一家牛排烧烤餐厅,是阿拉莫阿纳购物中心的Niku Taro餐...
Meaty Boy是一家牛排烧烤餐厅,是阿拉莫阿纳购物中心的Niku Taro餐厅的分支。菜单包括专门的肋骨牛排、慢炖的炸鸡和用夏威夷蔬菜制作的小吃。
+1 (808) 376-0435Meataly Boys
- ALOHA CAFÉ Pineapple "是一家印有菠萝标志的餐厅,在这里您可...
早上在我们的餐厅用餐如何?在这里,您可以在海滩附近享用夏威夷美食?马拉沙达(Malasadas)、巴西莓碗(acai bowls)等。我们还提供外卖服务,建议您在海滩用餐或在公园野餐。
+1 (808) 739-1630ALOHA CAFE PINEAPPLE
- 不再有后顾之忧,无需在日本准备 ! 夏威夷婚礼出席服装在本地即可轻松租赁! 我们...
如果您计划参加夏威夷的婚礼,您一定会喜欢夏威夷风格的服装 ☆ 我们有各种简单到正宗的夏威夷礼服和伴娘礼服。 从威基基的主要酒店步行即可到达,交通便利,您的家人・和所有朋友都可以在当地轻松租到♪ 租赁是明智的选择,因为您不会在日本穿! 您可以轻松选择自己喜欢的礼服,因为这是租赁! 。! 您还可以在有着装要求的餐厅用餐,或盛装出席巡游晚宴 ♪ 您可以尽情享受正宗的夏威夷时尚。☆
+1 (808) 921-8118ムームーレインボー・ハワイアンドレレンタル
- 激光美容与健康 ? 多种治疗方法解决您的问题。立即咨询我们 !.
HEC Medical ・ Clinic 是一家激光治疗专科诊所。该诊所是夏威夷首家引进激光治疗干眼症的诊所,拥有来自美国的最新激光设备。诊所提供满足各种需求的激光治疗,从无痛脱毛到面部提升以恢复青春活力,以及无需饮食限制的瘦身治疗。此外,我们还能为各种疼痛提供止痛治疗,包括背痛和关节炎。现在就到 HEC Medical ・ 诊所重拾美丽,摆脱疼痛。
+1 (808) 888-0110HEC メディカル・クリニック HEC Medical Clinic
- 我们深受大家的喜爱! 我们可以帮助您解决所有清洁需求,从日常清洁到大清洁和局部清...
夏威夷的好客之道 ! 我们将为您提供彻底的日式清洁服务。 请先向我们咨询您的清洁需求。我们将根据您的需求制定计划。 老年人、产前产后、同事、单身人士等,都非常喜欢我们的服务。 夏威夷度假屋、住宅、公寓、办公室、商店等的清洁。 根据客户需要,提供入住前和入住后清洁、装修后清洁、住宅定期清洁、别墅定期清洁、办公室定期清洁、灯具内部和水区(厨房、浴室、盥洗室、厕所)等小区域的特殊清洁、空调清洁...
- 在轻松惬意的环境中品尝正宗的日本料理。家庭、团体聚餐和聚会均可使用本餐厅。天妇罗...
一直受到 YELP 的高度评价。我们精心挑选食材,提供各种菜肴,旨在为从儿童到老人的所有人提供无忧无虑的用餐体验。
全套餐厅提供早餐、午餐和晚餐。酒店免费代客泊车(可容纳 130 人)。 由于您的支持,吉常餐厅已开业超过 35 年。它已经经营了很长时间。 夏威夷 ・ 我们在檀香山提供正宗传统的日本料理。 天妇罗、烤鱼套餐、生鱼片、荞麦面 ・ 从乌冬面到全包寿司,如果您想念夏威... +1 (808) 926-5616義経レストラン| YOSHITSUNE - Park Shore Hotel
- 您的夏威夷之旅将会更加愉快 ! 从私人包船到烧烤,夏威夷之旅(Hawaiian ...
我们夏威夷旅游公司(Hawaiian Tours)竭诚为您打造最难忘的夏威夷之旅。 [机场接送] 我们用自己的私家车到机场接您。 [私人包车] 非常熟悉夏威夷的日本司机将带您游览各个景点。 [高尔夫计划] 您可以在夏威夷优雅地打高尔夫球。 [自选游览] 购物、游船等。
+1 (808) 308-2700Yoshi Hawaiian Tours
- 在 Poepoe Hawaii,我们有专门教授尤克里里和草裙舞的教师,可以教授从...
波波夏威夷文化中心(Poepoe Hawaiian Cultural Centre)提供各种课程,从正宗的尤克里里琴和草裙舞到夏威夷语课程,由我们夏威夷家乡的优秀教师直接授课,让您更近距离地感受夏威夷各种文化和传统的魅力。
+1 (808) 312-4381Poepoe Hawaiian Culture Center
August 13, 2024
The Maui Police Department (MPD) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announce the arrest of Robert Dumaran (47) of Kahului in connection with the improvised explosive device (IED) that was located on July 23, 2024, near Lono Avenue in Kahului.
This arrest is the result of a coordinated effort between the MPD and FBI, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to ensuring the safety and security of our community. We recognize that all parties involved are innocent until proven guilty. This release serves as a timeline of law enforcement activity that has occurred.
On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, Wailuku patrol officers encountered an IED in the roadway on Lono Avenue near Kahului Elementary School. Within minutes, officers closed Lono Avenue between Hina Avenue and Laau Street and evacuated nearby residents. The device was rendered safe and sent to the FBI Laboratory for forensic analysis.
On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, MPD officers encountered multiple IEDs near Kaamana Street in Kula. Due to the location of the scene, no residences required evacuation.
On Thursday, August 8, 2024, MPD and FBI personnel responded to an area near Old Haleakala Highway and Ikea Place in Pukalani in response to a report that an explosion had caused a car accident. Upon arrival, officers located a vehicle that had sustained damage as a result of the explosion. The driver was transported to the Maui Memorial Medical Center and was later released.
On Friday, August 9, 2024, officers closed multiple roads in Wailuku and evacuated nearby residences as a precaution due to an investigative lead. After a thorough investigation, no explosives were discovered, and the area was declared safe.
On Saturday, August 10, 2024, Robert Dumaran was arrested in connection with the IED that was recovered on July 23, 2024, near Lono Avenue in Kahului.
On Tuesday, August 13, 2024, Dumaran appeared before federal Magistrate Judge Kenneth Mansfield, with a preliminary hearing set for August 27, 2024. Dumaran remains in federal custody without bail.
We understand that the community may have concerns, and we want to reassure the public that we are taking all necessary precautions to maintain the safety of our residents and visitors.
"The Maui Police Department, in collaboration with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Attorney's Office, continues to actively investigate these incidents. This unified effort underscores our shared commitment to ensuring that justice is served and that our community remains safe," said Chief of Police John Pelletier.
The investigation remains active, and specific details cannot be released. Our primary focus is to ensure that all involved parties are identified and that justice is served. We appreciate the community’s cooperation in respecting the ongoing process and avoiding speculation.
The safety and well-being of our community remains our top priority. We urge the community to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement. If you see something suspicious in the road, such as an object that appears out of place, do not touch, drive over, or go near it for any reason. If possible, keep others away from the area and report the object immediately by calling MPD at 911.
If you have information, or if you suspect you know someone who could be involved, please report it immediately to tips.fbi.gov or 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).
We thank the community for their cooperation and vigilance.
* * * * * * *
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