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Culminating four days of community-inspired, County-supported gatherings in Lahaina and Upcountry to remember, reflect and honor lives lost and to follow a path forward for healing, hundreds of residents joined for a Day of Hope and Prayer at the Lahaina Civic Center on Sunday morning followed by Upcountry Aloha on Sunday evening.
Day of Hope and Prayer was highlighted by a heartfelt musical and artistic performance by ʻUlalena, a beloved Lahaina-based group that headlined Lahaina’s Maui Theater for two decades. With many original cast and crew members, the ʻUlalena throwback performance Sunday brought hopeful tears, and multiple joyous standing ovations.
ʻUlalena, which represents a red-yellow rain that is hopeful and cleansing, provided a theatrical retelling of Hawaiian history that combined songs, dances, chants, aerial acts and advanced production techniques.
Mayor Richard Bissen performed his version of Kui Lee’s “Lahaina Luna,” which the Mayor called a love song for Maui. Also, First Lady Kaʻihi Bissen sang a lullaby her father used to sing to her, then provided inspiring remarks.
“My family stands with all the many families that came here today from far and wide,” she said. “Today, as I look around, I see so many of you and it is with such gratitude. We are a family, just like the giant banyan tree growing stronger and branching out to the sky. Never forget who you are and where you come from, those in the past, those here and now, and those in front of us. We are all a family.”
Starting with beautiful melodies performed by Reiko Fukino, residents, families and friends of Lahaina came together to share their aloha and spirit of hope for life and the future promise of Lahaina’s recovery.
Emcee Alaka‘i Paleka set the tone with words of inspiration for the community to embrace: “Kuhinia Maui is our theme. It comes from a chant used by people of Maui that was brought to contemporary times by some of Maui’s renowned Kumu Hula and it talks about the pride we have for our lands and our people.”
A series of speakers representing Lahaina’s community, churches, kūpuna and youth paid tribute to all that Lahaina stands for – its proud legacy, its rebuilding and recovery efforts and, especially, the future greatness that all of Lahaina and Maui are working to achieve.
The Day of Hope and Prayer concluded with lunch, music and members of the community leaving with a renewed sense for Lahaina, the community and its future.
Mayor Bissen expressed his gratitude for all the support provided to make the four days of commemoration and healing possible. “I couldn't be more proud and thankful for all the folks on our team and the volunteers that have been helping Lahaina throughout this weekend, which was focused on helping the community to heal,” said Mayor Bissen. “The people of Lahaina, their ‘ohana and their friends have gone through a lot of pain and heartache this past year, physically, financially, spiritually and emotionally. People throughout Hawaiʻi and from around the world have been sharing their love with us, and we are grateful for that.”
Later in the day, hundreds of residents gathered at Upcountry Aloha from 4 to 8 p.m. at Oskie Rice Arena in Makawao. Arena owners and operators had opened fairgrounds during the August 2023 wildfires to provide aid and help save dozens of farm and ranch animals.
Upcountry Aloha featured entertainment from artists Jordan Soon, Miss Bib, and Kumu Hula Nāpua Silva and Hālau Nā Lei Kaumaka o Uka. More than two dozen booths offered crafts, artwork, jewelry, clothing and other goods provided by Maui artisans and vendors. Arts and crafts for keiki were facilitated by Pacific Consulting Group and Hui No‘eau. Also, Mahi Pono gave away free watermelons, as well as free paniolo burgers and French fries to the first 300 guests.
Maui County Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura, who holds the Upcountry residency seat, thanked the mayor, federal partners and community members for their continuing support with Maui’s recovery.
“Please know that for those affected by the wildfires, that we are here for you,” Councilmember Sugimura said during a speech. “The support of our federal partners is funding the billions of dollars needed to help us restore our clean water, provide our wastewater needs, and fix the damage to our roads.”
Mayor Bissen highlighted the importance of gathering as a community as Maui marks one year after the wildfires.
“What we have tried to accomplish over these past four days is to give the community a reason to come together and overcome the difficulty of the challenges that all of Maui has faced in the past year, especially the people in Lahaina and Upcountry Maui,” Mayor Bissen said. “We are grateful to the organizers, and many volunteers and sponsors for helping to make Kuhinia Maui possible to help our people needing support and hope.”
Bob Fenton, FEMA Regional Administrator for the Pacific and Western United States, spoke about the impressive sense of community that has been the basis for Maui’s resilience and rebuilding.
“We are making great progress with protecting the Kula watershed and the efforts to regenerate the soil, prevent erosion, and ensure its long-term resilience,” Fenton said.
Col. Eric Swenson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Recovery Field Office Commander, shared how much the rebuilding of Maui has been done by workers from Hawaiʻi.
“I’m proud to be here representing the Army Corps of Engineers, a team of dedicated men and women who came together to help Maui in the aftermath of the devastating fires of August 8, 2023, a team in which 70% to 80% of the workforce come from Hawaiʻi, with many from Maui and some from Lahaina,” Swenson said. “It has been the greatest honor of my career to come to Maui and work with you these past six months. The Army Corps of Engineers will be here until our mission is done.”
For information on Kuhinia Maui and recaps of gatherings, visit and.
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County of Maui photos via Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/a5dh91iuv7jj14c8i7oec/ALszHfARMDY-TxpA22hE_mk?rlkey=eooa6f56s6fs2cgc4r757cvkd&st=d6218k2e&dl=0
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