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NR 06-20-24 (Firefighters honored for April Flood rescues at Fire Commission Tuesday)

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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii


*News Release*

For Immediate Release: June 20, 2024


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*Firefighters honored for April Flood rescues at Fire Commission Tuesday*

LĪHU‘E — At Tuesday’s Fire Commission meeting, the Kaua‘i Fire Department honored personnel with Rescue 3 and the Kapa‘a and Kōloa fire stations, who rescued over two dozen individuals and two pets during the April 2024 flood event in the overnight hours from April 11 to April 12.

“These firefighters that we are recognizing today were able to quickly adapt to the hazardous conditions, utilize their previous training, knowledge, and experiences to formulate a solid game plan and execute it safely,” said KFD Deputy Chief Roger Mills. “They performed bravely, and I want to sincerely thank them for attending today – as these men do not do this for recognition, they are dedicated to serving, and they do it exceptionally well.”

The following firefighters were honored on Tuesday, June 18:

*Kapa‘a Fire Station *

Fire Fighter III Marc Beeby

Fire Fighter III Christopher Simpson

Fire Fighter I Charles Dubocage

Fire Fighter I Paul Haraguchi

*Rescue 3*

Fire Captain Francisco Garcia

Fire Fighter III Maui Kjeldsen

Fire Fighter Il Byron Costa

Fire Fighter I Frederick Caoagas

*Kōloa *Fire Station**

Fire Captain Aaron Hawthorne

 Fire Fighter III Chad Tabuchi

Fire Fighter I Jetsen Wakuta

Fire Fighter I Ryan Allen

Firefighter III Marc Beeby was among the first responders from the Kapa‘a Fire Station during the rescues.

“It does feel very good to be recognized, but we’re just doing our jobs,” said Firefighter III Beeby. “On behalf of all the firefighters here, we thank you for your support.”

During the overnight hours from April 11 to April 12, crews with Rescue 3 and the Kōloa and Kapa‘a fire stations rescued 26 individuals and two dogs in the Kōloa, Wailua, and Kapa‘a areas.

According to reports, in Kapa‘a, Engine 2 and Truck 2 responded to Koki Road, where they encountered a flooded roadway about four feet deep. The crew used a rescue board to safely transport a family of 10, including seven children.

Another call on Apana Road in Wailua involved rescuing a family of seven trapped by rising floodwaters. Meanwhile, in Kōloa, Ladder 4 and Truck 4 arrived at Waihohonou Road, where they relocated two elderly occupants from their increasingly flooded home.

At Aloha Place in Kōloa, Rescue 3 found several homes surrounded by two to four feet of water. They used a rescue board and a kayak to rescue seven people and two dogs, ensuring their safety by moving them to higher ground.

“I know all of you first responders present today will tell me you're just doing your job, but after listening to what you all did during the April flood event, you went over and beyond your job requirements,” said Fire Commission Chair Rodney Yama. “So I also thank you for what you did and congratulate you. We honor you today.”

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From left to right: Fire Commissioner Trevor Jeff Murray, KFD Deputy Chief Roger Mill, Fire Commissioner Jen Chahanovich, Firefighter III Marc Beeby, Firefighter I Charles Dubocage, and Firefighter III Maui Kjeldsen, Firefighter I Frederick Caoagas, Firefighter III Chad Tabuchi, Fire Commission Vice Chair Gary Pacheco, and Fire Commission Chair Rodney Yama.

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Firefighter III Marc Beeby (right) addresses the Fire Commission on Tuesday, June 19, 2024, with Deputy Chief Roger Mills (middle) and Boards and Commissions Administrator Ellen Ching (left).

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From left to right: Firefighter III Chad Tabuchi and daughter, Firefighter I Frederick Caoagas, Firefighter I Charles Dubocage, Firefighter III Marc Beeby, and Firefighter III Maui Kjeldsen were among the firefighters present at Tuesday's ceremony.


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If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the County of Kaua‘i, its departments or representatives, please email the County of Kaua‘i's Communications Team at to ensure a timely response to your request. Mahalo!

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