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With a lineup of local artists and cherished melodies, the Puana Aloha no Lahaina concert Friday night evoked hope and resilience for a community still reeling one year after wildfires took their beloved Lahaina town.
Puana Aloha no Lahaina capped the second day of Kuhinia Maui: A Week of Remembrance, community-inspired, County-supported gatherings to mark one year after the Aug. 8, 2023, fires.
Performances by musicians Kalani Peʻa; a surprise appearance by Henry Kapono; house band Launa‘ole, consisting of Brandon Hirata, Koakane Mattos and Kason Gomes; Nestor Ugale Jr.; Namaka Pauʻole; Steve Grimes; ʻOhana Palakiko & Papa Hula o Lahainaluna; Jason Kaleo Phillips; Cody Pueo Pata; Tarvin Makia backed by Kala'e; Kaniala Masoe backed by Launa‘ole; Kalaʻe Camarillo; and Lahaina Grown paid tribute to well-loved Lahaina and reminded the community of culture and identity that can never be taken.
“The mana has never left the West Side,” said ʻOhana Palakiko before the group’s performance in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.
Approximately 500 to 600 people attended the 6 p.m. concert Friday at Lahaina Civic Center, where audience members sang along, sat in silence, swayed, cried, laughed and experienced the range of emotions that only music can stir up.
Heartfelt renditions of well-known mele and new, original songs written about Lahaina provided a powerful reminder that even in the darkest times, the balm of music and togetherness can illuminate the path forward.
Emcee Alaka‘i Paleka kept audience members on their toes, and performers shared meaningful hugs and conversation as they waited to be called to the stage.
Attendees were treated to an array of free concession items provided by West Maui resorts and restaurants, including fresh mahi mahi sandwiches, shrimp siu mai, chow fun, furikake popcorn, nachos and hot dogs.
The evening also featured an outdoor light show by Midwest-based Great Lakes Drone Co., with 300 drones illuminating the sky in patterns that created iconic Lahaina images, such as the Lahainaluna “L,” the Buddhist temples, Mo‘okiha, the banyan tree, Sugarcane Train, a surfer on the waves and the Pioneer Mill Smokestack. Also, drones created text that said, “Aloha, Lahaina,” “Maui,” “‘Ohana” and “Love you, Lahaina.” The audience cheered and sang along to crowd favorite, the “Lahaina Grown” song.
Earlier Friday, scores of kūpuna gathered at Lahaina Civic Center for brunch and activities as part of Aloha for Kūpuna of Lahaina. The gathering offered a chance for kūpuna to visit with each other and enjoy time together doing activities they enjoy.
Kaponoʻai Molitau, appointed director of the County of Maui Department of ʻŌiwi Resources, led a familiar string game activity to create a “catʻs cradle” pattern. Kūpuna also enjoyed playing their favorite BINGO game, which is now run electronically with numbers selected via laptop and displayed on a big screen for all to see. Prizes ranged from water flasks and tote bags to orchids and a large television.
Mayor Richard Bissen said some in the crowd had offered suggestions during Wednesday night Disaster Recovery Community Update meetings held weekly in the gymnasium.
“We appreciate your perspective, your advice, your knowledge that you pass on to us. We realize how important all of that is for us,” Mayor Bissen said. “Our goal is for us to move forward as a community, following the advice of those that come before us.”
Gov. Josh Green advised the seniors to “take your wisdom and share that manaʻo with everyone you know.”
Col. Eric Swenson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commander of the Hawaiʻi Wildfires Recovery Field Office, asked the group to continue to support the work being done to clear properties in the Lahaina Impact Zone as recovery progresses.
“You, the kūpuna of this community, are the trusted advisers of Lahaina,” Swenson said. “You carry the history, the memories and lessons, both good and bad, of Lahaina town in your hearts and in your minds.”
Councilmember Tamara Paltin, who holds the West Maui residency seat, said she was committed to rebuilding the West Maui Senior Center, where similar gatherings had been held before the August 2023 wildfire.
Kuhinia Maui: A Week of Remembrance gatherings continue today with “Ka Malu ‘Ulu O Lele” at Baldwin High School Auditorium from 1 to 2:30 p.m., and the Lahaina Obon Festival at Lahaina Cannery Mall from 5 to 9 p.m. For a full schedule of events through Sunday, visit www.KuhiniaMaui.org.
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County of Maui photos via Dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8l8opdpzaxzjin5ivly32/ALJl3vO1O5eIRzoScvhkBdM?rlkey=ngmpi60j1mwfg5zayuof09czs&st=5on3sxqw&dl=0.
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