Select [Work / Career]

1. About local jobs 816 view 6 res Work / Career 2025/02/24 07:51
Outside of Oahu is not a problem.
What kind of jobs do you find in Hawaii other than tourism and catering ?
I work in IT, but I wonder if it is difficult to find a job other than tourism or ...
2. About E2VISA 1k view 2 res Work / Career 2024/09/09 11:49
I have completed my J1 training and am now back in Japan and looking for a company that can support my E2VISA from Japan.
My question is, are there any requirements in terms of age and work exper...
3. Baker Assistant for Bread 1k view 4 res Work / Career 2024/01/30 23:04
I am interested in baking bread but have no experience. Does anyone know of a place that will hire me as an assistant with no experience ?
or a school that will train me?
I will practice on ...
4. 14.00 per hour 2k view 6 res Work / Career 2024/01/15 15:05
I read that the minimum hourly wage is now $14.00 and the tip rate in restaurants has been increased, requiring that a minimum of $21.00 per hour be paid by the employer plus tips.
Is this applic...
5. Recruiting at a higher hourly rate and actually pa... 10k view 34 res Work / Career 2023/09/08 20:49
In my recent job search, I see a lot of postings for hourly wages $ 17 to 20, etc.

In fact, when I go to interviews, the hourly rate is $ 11 or 12, and including Tip, it is usually $ 17 to m...
6. Recommended Payroll Companies and Insurance 1k view 1 res Work / Career 2023/09/04 21:38
For those of you who have a small business, which payroll company do you use ?
Is there any place that also offers Japanese 'support' ?
If you have any information, please share....
7. I am looking for a job in Mililani. 2k view 1 res Work / Career 2023/07/30 15:08
My child will be starting kindergarten in August
I am looking for part time in Minilani.

My English is daily conversational level.
I am an illustrator and have mastered flyers, log...
8. Looking for weekend work and telecommuting. 2k view 1 res Work / Career 2022/07/09 13:12
Hello I am a 20s female.
I am looking for weekend work or work from home.
If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear from you.

Thank you very much.
9. Sharing of restaurant tips 6k view 11 res Work / Career 2021/12/28 18:42
I saw it on the news and didn't understand it, so please tell me.
I saw that the tip was divided among everyone working that day, but shouldn't the owner or management really receive it?
I t...
10. Corona may last two more years. 2k view 1 res Work / Career 2021/12/10 20:12
I have been receiving unemployment insurance for two years without working with Japanese tourists, but I am at my limit 。 Other jobs are difficult for older people 。 It seems that Japanese tourists wi...
11. Difficult Job Search in Hawaii 7k view 7 res Work / Career 2021/11/11 11:24
In my personal opinion, it was very difficult to find a job again as a corona. My unemployment insurance was cut off in September 2021 and I sent my resume to about 100 companies and received no respo...
12. Bilingual sitter 3k view 4 res Work / Career 2021/08/21 16:58
I am looking for someone who can speak Japanese and a little English and can drive a car. I am having trouble finding anyone at all.
I have a one and a half year old daughter.
13. After returning to work and before my first filing... 7k view 8 res Work / Career 2021/04/04 20:34
Hello everyone

I started back to work last week.
Last week and this week only a few days, but starting next week I will be working 5 days a week ( about 30 hours ).

So I spent...
14. UIのバックデイトについて 4k view 2 res Work / Career 2020/11/22 18:21
1月から新しい職場で働き始め、3月末で仕事がなくなり4月にUI申請しました。しかし間もなくineligible for benefits at this time because of insufficient quarters and wages in base periodとレターが来たので、諦めていたところ6月にダメ元でPUAに申請。8月に却下、通常のUIに行けとの通知が有り。すぐさまUIに...
15. 失業保険給付後に職場復帰した方に質問 7k view 16 res Work / Career 2020/07/07 18:55
16. ヨガ トレーナー 2k view 0 res Work / Career 2019/07/01 11:25
ヨガ トレーナーを探してます。
17. ボストンキャリアフォーラムに参加予定の方 3k view 0 res Work / Career 2018/10/04 00:30
18. エステティシャンライセンス 3k view 0 res Work / Career 2017/11/10 17:31


19. ハワイアン航空の日本語ポジション 5k view 4 res Work / Career 2017/08/21 22:40
募集を見つけました。受けてみたいと思いますがフライトアテンダントの募集まで待った方がいいのか、それとも求人があるときに挑戦した方がいいのか? 地上職のベネフィットはとても良さそうですが、お給料はハワイでは厳しいかな、という感じです。どなたかハワイアン航空のポジションに受けたり、地上職...
20. 仕事を探しています 5k view 4 res Work / Career 2017/03/20 00:18
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