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Calling it their love letter to Lahaina and to Maui, nearly 150 Kamehameha Schools Kapālama fifth-grade students shared their live stage production “Ka Malu ʻUlu o Lele: The Shaded Breadfruit Grove of Lele,” with the Maui community on Saturday at Baldwin High School auditorium in Wailuku.
The one-of-a-kind show explores Lahaina’s rich history and serves as a tribute to the resilience of the Maui community.
“Ka Malu ʻUlu o Lele” took the young performers and audience members on an educational journey through the captivating history of Lahaina. From mighty mōʻī to aloha ‘āina champions, Lahaina’s legacy is filled with fascinating stories shared in the production.
Mara Bacon Chang, Kapālama fifth-grade kumu, said that a performance is done every year, but each one is original and the subject matter changes. Initially, students and teachers planned to explore a different topic, but after Aug. 8, 2023, they decided instead to recognize Lahaina and the people of Maui.
“The kids like to call this our love letter to the people of Maui,” Chang said. “I am so in love with your folks’ island, the history here, the importance to our kingdom.”
Several hundred audience members, including Mayor Richard Bissen, Maui County Councilmembers and Lahaina Strong organizers, filled the auditorium as haumāna illuminated the stage with wisdom beyond their years.
“I think we can all agree that our future is in good hands with the students that we have here,” Mayor Bissen said to the crowd after the show ended.
To view “Ka Malu ʻUlu o Lele: The Shaded Breadfruit Grove of Lele,” visit https://www.facebook.com/Kanaeokana.
“Ka Malu ‘Ulu o Lele” and Lahaina Obon highlighted the third day of Kuhinia Maui: A Week of Remembrance, community-inspired, County-supported gatherings to mark one year after the Aug. 8, 2023, fires.
On Saturday evening, Lahaina Obon Festival drew a crowd of well over 1,000 to Lahaina Cannery Mall for a special Obon of Japanese dance and music to honor ancestors and those who have recently passed. Lahaina Hongwanji Mission, Lahaina Jodo Mission and Lahaina Shingon Mission, which lost their temples in the fire, combined to host the gathering that reunited temple members and others in the community.
“After the fire, everybody moved out. It was very hard to see each other,” said the Rev. Takayuki Meguro of Lahaina Shingon Mission. “I’m very happy everybody can join together today.”
The Rev. Ai Hironaka of Lahaina Hongwanji Mission said Obon has been part of Lahaina’s tradition. “It was rooted to the Lahaina community,” he said. “But the root became bigger and deeper because of the fire. It’s amazing.”
Before the fire, each Lahaina temple held separate annual Obon festivals. The combined gathering included origami folding and other children’s activities, performances by Enka singer Hikariyama Torao, taiko drum groups Zenshin Daiko and Maui Taiko, and food trucks that donated proceeds to the three Lahaina Buddhist churches.
The ministers were grateful to the County of Maui and nonprofit Lele Aloha for working to make possible the special Obon, which included Lahaina Hongwanji’s Yagura or tower that survived even as the fire destroyed the temple. Lele Aloha volunteers repainted the tower red and transported it to the lawn fronting Lahaina Cannery Mall for the Obon.
Ministers of the three Lahaina Buddhist churches joined for a blessing at the Yagura before the dancing began.
The evening included the first public performance of Lahaina Ondo, written by Maui resident Lance Collins and Sumiko Tatsuguchi of Oʻahu, and sung by Colette Gomoto and Brian Nagami. Collins said the song, which he wrote three years ago, was inspired by his summertime memories of Lahaina as a youth.
“This is a very unique community gathering,” said the Rev. Gensho Hara of Lahaina Jodo Mission. “We’re so happy to see this community union.”
The prayers offered for loved ones lost included the victims of the Lahaina wildfire.
Rev. Hara said that would include four members of Lahaina Jodo Mission who perished in the fire. “Thinking about their suffering that night, our tears are coming out,” he said. “This is an opportunity to honor them and pray for the building of our temple.”
Kuhinia Maui: A Week of Remembrance gatherings conclude today with A Day of Hope and Prayer from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Lahaina Civic Center and Upcountry Aloha from 4 to 8 p.m. at Oskie Rice Arena in Makawao. For a full schedule, visit .
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