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1. | Tennis Courts at Ala Moana Beach Park | 488 view | 0 res | Local news | 2024/09/19 10:33 |
2. | ( Attention ) Offshore bank, long term investment ... | 1k view | 2 res | Local news | 2024/08/16 18:57 |
8% annual interest rate, no taxes to pay. I've been getting solicited from many places recently to move all my savings to a bank in the U.S. ? I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but... |
3. | Mogli's Bakeren at a condo in Waikiki. | 8k view | 8 res | Local news | 2024/05/14 11:11 |
I wonder if it's okay to let this go unchecked. ? They don't have a contact in Hawaii and they don't have a real estate agent in Japan. |
4. | Skyliner ?. | 2k view | 5 res | Local news | 2023/07/24 22:48 |
I'm planning to ride the Honolulu Elevated Railroad tomorrow since I don't think I will have a chance to ride it since it is free ride until tomorrow (7/4). I will go to the first station (near the ai... |
5. | I want to have a flea market. | 2k view | 3 res | Local news | 2022/08/25 20:31 |
I have about a roomful of children's, men's and women's clothing, bags, shoes, sportswear, etc. I have sold them on Mercari USA and other places, but there are a lot of them and I want to get rid... |
6. | About Permaculture Guesthouses on the Big Island o... | 670 view | 0 res | Local news | 2022/02/20 13:57 |
I am planning a short visit to the Big Island of Hawaii and am currently looking for a place to stay. I am interested in permaculture/off-grid guesthouses and would like to learn more about off-g... |
7. | KIKUT TV is back! | 942 view | 1 res | Local news | 2022/02/02 18:19 |
The owner of KITV4 has purchased KIKU-TV and is bringing it back to life. |
8. | Hawaii ended 2 years ago? | 4k view | 12 res | Local news | 2021/12/03 15:02 |
Is the Japanese tourism business over? |
9. | Currently on 8/2 with a 7-day average of over 300 ... | 2k view | 1 res | Local news | 2021/08/03 13:40 |
I think the number is increasing ? Wasn't it on the news that schools are going to be home schooled ? I think it is temporary. If you have any information about the school, or if y... |
10. | PEUC Unemployment Insurance 13-Week Extension Prog... | 251k view | 1008 res | Local news | 2021/07/05 09:13 |
I know that some of you who have been unemployed since March or April have a small account balance and need to apply for PEUC this month or next. I will share here the most important th... |
11. | Receive unemployment insurance Freelancers also ne... | 2k view | 1 res | Local news | 2021/06/14 17:15 |
If a self-employed or freelance worker loses his or her job due to the spread of the new coronavirus, in addition to the regular unemployment insurance for employees employed by the company, the "Coro... |
12. | Thanks to sunset | 8k view | 15 res | Local news | 2021/04/14 19:52 |
SUNSET, thank you so much for all your help over the last year. I am really bowled over by the fact that you volunteer to write so many posts. It was really a great help to have pe... |
13. | Stimulus Check $1,400 paid | 6k view | 8 res | Local news | 2021/04/06 13:28 |
The latest information was updated on the IRS website and is shared below. The payments will begin in earnest tomorrow. ●Stimulus Check $ 1,400 Description: ↓ https://www.irs.... |
14. | tornado | 2k view | 4 res | Local news | 2021/03/01 16:17 |
I saw a tornado over the ocean around Waikiki from Diamond Bed on Friday evening about 6:00pm. but no news, etc. Did anyone else see it ? I'm just making small talk, so if you... |
15. | 新型コロナウイルス追加経済支援策が採決 | 3k view | 5 res | Local news | 2020/12/28 09:56 |
まだ定かではないですが、ニュースで新たなコロナの追加支援が採決されたという記事をみたので、私の理解した範囲だけでも共有できればと思い、投稿しました。間違っているかもなのでその点ご理解ください。また、採決されたけれどもまだトランプ大統領が署名していないのと内容は変更になる可能性があるみたいなので、その点もご注意ください ・追加のStimulus Checkの給付(前回より額が減って大人... |
16. | ハワイレストランカード情報シェア | 9k view | 23 res | Local news | 2020/12/16 12:19 |
レストランカードは、殆どのレストランで利用出来ると思いますが テイクアウトのお弁当屋さん、パン屋さんはまちまちです。 ホノルル市内で使えて良かった!美味しかった! の情報をシェアしませんか? パン屋のEPI-YAは$5ドル以上で使えました。 |
17. | 第1回のStimulus Check($1,200) | 8k view | 16 res | Local news | 2020/11/09 15:29 |
ホワイトハウスからの支給である第1回目のStimulus Check(1,200ドル)の申し込み(claim)方法について共有します。 もしも、ご自分の周りでStimulus Checkをまだ受け取っていない方々、お子さんの分をまだ受け取っていないご家庭の方々がおられましたら、ぜひ共有してあげて下さい。 ご自分のStimulus Checkを受け取ったにも関わらず、お子... |
18. | 失業保険手当 週300ドル | 27k view | 64 res | Local news | 2020/10/07 07:55 |
期間限定投稿です。 ご存知の方々も多いと思いますが、 やっと明日から申し込みが始まるようです。 受給資格がある方々には、それぞれのEメールボックスに申し込み方法が来ているはずです。受け取っていない方々は迷惑メールボックスに間違って行っていないかどうか再確認してみたほうがいいかもしれません。 本日の時点で確定しているのは、8月1日分から第5週目分までの... |
19. | PUA申請(pending) | 1k view | 0 res | Local news | 2020/09/28 00:30 |
Pendingが長く続いていて困っているPUA申請者の方々が非常に多いと耳にします。UIと違ってPUAはメールでしか相談を受け付けない為、大変不便ですよね。 そこで提案ですが、何ヶ月もpendingが続いて生活困難に陥っている方々はイゲ知事の相談窓口に連絡してみることをお勧めします。ひょっとしたら緊急レベルに沿って対応して下さるかもしれません。 既にご存知の方々がおられ... |
20. | ハワイは終わった | 30k view | 69 res | Local news | 2020/09/27 17:43 |
皆さんのご意見を書いてください。 |
21. | 日本国内ではイベント自粛中なのにホノルルフェスティバル | 5k view | 8 res | Local news | 2020/03/27 10:50 |
連日何人の日本人が、このイベントのために日本から到着するのでしょうか。参加者の皆さん、イベント開催中はきちんとマスクは着用してくれるのでしょうか。コンベンションセンターでの屋内イベント、アラモアナセンターでのショーやパフォーマンス、カラカウア通りでのパレード・・・。恐怖でしかないです・・・。 |
22. | ホームレスの激増と原因 | 10k view | 18 res | Local news | 2020/03/03 19:17 |
全米で最もホームレスが多いのは広いカリフォルニアで11万人以上、人口の多いニューヨークでも8万人のホームレスですが、ハワイは全米で最もホームレスの人口比率が高く非常事態に至っています。 日本で最もホームレスが多い大阪の20倍です。日本全土のホームレスより多い数がハワイにだけいることになります。 一つの原因はハワイの物価が異常に高いことで、離島なのであらゆる物に輸送費が掛かってい... |
23. | 孤独 | 8k view | 15 res | Local news | 2020/01/22 17:13 |
渡米してもうかれこれ数ヶ月後に12年目に突入します。ずっとここハワイです。 日本には信用できる大切な友達が数人いますが、ここハワイには友達が一人もいません。 しかも私はシングルマザーで幼い子供が一人いるのですが、彼氏もいません。 私は女性なのですが、やはり特に女性って女友達とお茶や食事をしながらお喋りしてストレスを発散させると思うんですよね、だからそういうことをできる友達が一人も... |
24. | 条例89号-オアフ島短期バケーションレンタル新規制法について | 3k view | 4 res | Local news | 2019/11/03 12:45 |
バケーションレンタルでの法律が変わったようですが、 1) 「バケーションレンタル事業許可証(NUC)」のない物件は「リゾート地区」以外での「短期賃貸(B&B及びTVU)」を禁止する。 >ワイキキでのリゾート地区はクヒオ通りからビーチにかけて。なので、 クヒオ通りからアラワイ沿いの建物は、今まで通り短期の賃貸は可能でしょうか? 2) 2019年8月1日... |
25. | ひったくりに注意!! | 3k view | 5 res | Local news | 2019/06/15 05:12 |
昨日の夜、ドンキの入り口前で肩がけのバックをひったくりにあいました。 犯人はローカル20歳代くらいの2、3人男です。 最初は駐車場内を追っかけたのですが車から大きな男が出てきて2回も吹っ飛ばされてすり傷と打ち身が出来て、携帯を握っていたのでこけたときなのか画面が割れました。近くにいた知らない20歳の男の子が助けようとしてくれたみたいですが犯人にパンチされて車で逃げられました。 怖... |
26. | ハワイでの自然な出逢い場 | 5k view | 3 res | Local news | 2016/11/19 09:07 |
はじめまして ハワイに冬に一人旅に行きます30歳の女でございます。 東京で仕事に追われる間に恋に落ちる事もなく4年がすぎました。。 ハワイでいい出会いがあればいいな、思っております。 健康的な方と出逢える場でオススメがあれば教えて下さいませ(●´ω`●) |
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- Find local business with Town Guide
- Please come and try our delicious omusub...
When you want to relax, come to "Iyasu Yume". We offer delicious rice balls and bentos made with handmade rice. Opened in 2000 as Hawaii's first restaurant specializing in omusubi, Iyasumu is a pion...
(808) 465-9682Musubi Cafe Iyasume
- Dr. Yamada is Japanese OK ・ Various insu...
Dr. Yamada was voted one of the best dentists by the readers of Honolulu Magazine, and since opening in 1985, our patients have come to trust us for our excellent care and the courteous and friendly a...
+1 (808) 955-2439Melvin T. Yamada, DDS
- Why don't you get beauty and health with...
HEC Medical ・ Clinic is a laser treatment clinic. The clinic is known for being the first in Hawaii to introduce a laser for dry eye treatment and has the latest laser equipment from the United States...
+1 (808) 888-0110HEC ウェルネスセンター HEC Wellness Center
- ■ Furniture made in Japan ・ Specializing...
Sannaka-WEST" offers a large selection of Japanese furniture of all genres. We have a lot of experience and know-how in the field of Japanese furniture, and we are developing a meticulous follow-up an...
+1 (808) 537-6181Sannaka-WEST LLC
- We offer a wide range of services from c...
Born in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Medical Psychology. After working in Japan at the headquarters of Mitsui & Co. and in the U.S. at General Motors, Nissan...
+1 (808) 591-2002Moana Realty LLC
- We Are Here For You ! In September 2020,...
We Are Here For You ! In September 2020, Akimoto Corporation will start in Hawaii. Akimoto, the ace of Yamashita Corporation, who has been loved by the local residents of Wakayama for 25 years, will d...
+1 (808) 800-7448Akimoto Construction,Inc
- Dean & DeLuca Hawaii is a food boutique ...
DEAN&DELUCA is your source for gourmet foods from all over the world. We offer a variety of products that utilize the freshest local ingredients to help customers rediscover the deliciousness of Hawai...
+1 (808) 729-9720DEAN & DELUCA HAWAII
- Alai Alliance Personnel has over 20 year...
Hawaii Recruiting ・ When it comes to Temp Staffing, Alliance Personnel is the leading bilingual recruitment agency in Hawaii with more than 20 years of experience. We are a local company with the larg...
+1 (808) 521-4300Alliance Personnel Inc.
- We are the largest Japanese-owned dental...
Our Japanese dental technicians work with dentists in Hawaii to support you.
+1 (808) 947-2128ACL Hawaii, Inc. Cosmetic Dental Lab.
- We treat a wide range of patients from b...
Don't you always put off taking care of your teeth ? If you wait until they actually hurt, you may end up having to go through extensive treatment. Check with your dentist every six months.
+1 (808) 518-8696Natsuko W. Nakatani, DDS
- Walk-in OK ! Open until 8pm ! 】This mass...
From a detailed massage by a skilled therapist to a massage using a high-function massage chair. You can choose a course according to your schedule and the state of your fatigue. We also offer Lomi ...
+1 (808) 589-6503Popoki Massage / ポポキマッサージ
- If you are looking for a long term lease...
If you are looking for a long-term rental property in Hawaii, please contact Hawaii Stay Pro ! We have many properties available in Waikiki area ! We have about 80 units under management and can fi...
Hawaii Stay Pro
- Passing through the tunnel, you will be ...
Plantation Village is a historical museum that recreates the plantation era. The life of immigrants at that time is reproduced for each ethnic group. Please come and visit.
+1 (808) 677-0110Hawaii's Plantation Village
- Mother Hawaii is licensed by the State o...
Mother Hawaii has been involved in the social service business in Japan for over 40 years and started operations in Honolulu in the summer of 2014. Mother Hawaii's staff has completed the prescribed t...
+1 (808) 923-0077mother hawaii
- We can handle new construction, remodeli...
We propose a business in Hawaii, obtain a visa, and support all operations after the company is established ! If you already have a business in Hawaii, we can help you with the operation of your busin...
+1 (808) 772-2516KKP Global - Hawaii Consulting
Pickleball's reasons are that "tennis is becoming less popular...