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土曜日 10:00-18:00


Focus Labo LLC | フォーカス教育研究所



Hawaii’s premier home tutoring service specializing in one-on-one study sessions. We cover all ages and subjects, standardized test prep, and homework help.

Focus Labo is a home tutoring service located in Honolulu, Hawaii. We specialize in one-on-one study sessions. 
Our tutors are dedicated professionals qualified in the areas of test prep (SSAT, ACT, SAT, TOEIC, TOEFL), homework help, specific subject needs, English conversation, creative writing, and more. 
We teach our students to perform at the level of their capability, building academic success and intellectual curiosity along the way. 
Focus Labo has a proven track record in helping students gain acceptance to top schools, as well as improving academic achievement and strengthening confidence in the classroom.


Focus Labo offers customized lessons from highly qualified tutors who are matched to fulfill your family’s needs. 
We specialize in individual study sessions with flexible scheduling to accommodate your convenience. 
Our classes typically occur in-home; however, we are willing to meet your choice of location.
At Focus Labo, we understand that all students learn differently; therefore, our approach to each student is catered to his or her learning style. 
After an initial consultation with one of our academic coordinators, we will determine a course of action, including the selection of a suitable tutor, based on individual assessment. 
By utilizing our dual reporting system, the academic coordinator will work with the tutor by providing ongoing counseling, making adjustments, and helping establish specific direction for each student.
Although our teaching methods vary from student to student, our goals remain consistent. 
In the short term, we aim to meet specific objectives, whether that entails improving grades, earning acceptance into a top private school, or obtaining the best possible score on an upcoming standardized test such as the SSAT, ACT, or the SAT. 
Our long term quest includes developing skills and strategies needed to boost effective study habits that last long after our classes have finished. 
We address challenges and problem areas, and guide our students to reach their highest levels of potential.
Ultimately, our tutors are committed to providing a first-class learning experience that is tailored to meet and exceed your expectations. 
We encourage a flexible and creative approach to education, because we believe that learning should be a stimulating experience.


Focus Labo offers a highly personalized learning experience. 

After an initial in-person consultation in which one of our academic coordinators gets to know the student, as well as address his or her needs and areas of improvement, we carefully match that student to one of our tutors. 
We consider the student’s personality, interests, and academic goals to be crucial elements in the matching process. 
Once a tutor has been selected, Focus Labo completely customizes and designs unique study programs for each student. 
To accomplish this, the assigned tutor will work with the academic coordinator to create a curriculum and select appropriate textbooks.
Our tutors present concepts in fun and easy-to-understand ways. 
In addition to working with textbooks and other hands-on materials, they frequently use a whiteboard as a lecturing tool during classes. 
During one-on-one tutoring sessions, this classroom style instruction serves as a convenient tool for conveying various concepts to students, playing strategic learning games, and providing the student opportunities to explain, or “teach” learned material back to the instructor.
At Focus, once a tutor has been assigned to a student, he or she will continue to be that student’s tutor, and will not change unless it becomes necessary. 
We believe consistency is a key to student success, and the trust that’s built between the tutor and student is a vital part of the learning process. 
Additionally, maintaining a designated tutor allows us to truly know our students by recognizing their tendencies, enabling us to make ongoing assessments and implement changes to the curriculum as needed.


Report System

After each tutoring session, our teachers complete two reports with reference to the class. 

The first report is written in a small notebook— the “Comm Book”—which is provided to each family, and is primarily intended to record any homework assignments that should be completed before the following session. 
The Comm Book may also include a brief overview of the session along with any encouraging notes to the student. 
Additionally, the Comm Book can be used as a communication tool between parents and tutors. 
It is required to be in the student’s possession at all times, and parents should view the Comm Book after each class.
The second, more detailed report is composed after each session and sent to the parents by mail on a monthly basis. 
These reports are more detailed and serve numerous purposes. 
First, the requirement that our tutors compose detailed reports for each class virtually ensures that the course of action that has been determined by the academic coordinator is being enacted. 
Secondly, we are are better able to monitor progress, and if applicable, identify certain issues that may be impeding a student’s growth. 
Third, in the event that one our students is working with multiple Focus Labo tutors, the report system helps us coordinate with one another. 
Finally, these reports are intended as a communication tool for the parents.

Leadership System

Each tutor at Focus Labo is supported by an academic coordinator who helps set a curriculum that’s most suitable for the student’s needs.
Additionally, the tutor and academic coordinator decide on appropriate textbooks for each student.
Throughout the course of each student’s enrollment at Focus Labo, the academic coordinator will oversee lectures via the tutor’s written reports.
On occasion, the academic coordinator will attend lectures for purposes of observation, assessment, and/or conferences with the parents.
The conferences may be held for the purpose of updating parents on student progress, collecting relevant information regarding the student’s personal or school life that may be influencing academic performance, reevaluating academic goals, or simply general consultation so that the academic coordinator can answer parents’ questions.
In the event that there are multiple tutors teaching the same student, the academic coordinator will arrange the tutors’ schedules and curricula in a way that is most beneficial to the student.
By ensuring awareness of a common goal, our tutors are able to work together effectively.


Initial MeetingFREE
Registration Fee$60
Administration FeeFREE
Coordinator FeeFREE
Academic CounselingFREE
 Transportation and Monthly Report Fee Within 30 mins via bus: $12*
parking fee will be charged separately if necessary
 TextbooksYou can use your own textbooks if you have any.
We will ask you if we have any suggestions**
 WhiteboardLarge: $80 for Exam Prep (rental $10/month)
Small: $20 for Homework Help

*  We will calculate based on the distance between the student's and tutor's home.
** We need two sets of textbook. One for the student and one for the tutor.

Once a week (90 mins) x 4 times a month x $50/hour + Transportation & Report Fee ($12 x 4) = $348 (+Tax)

Contact Us

Company NameFocus Labo LLC
Address 444 Nahua St Honolulu, HI 96815 
Office Hours 3pm~8pm (weekday) 10am~6pm (weekends) 
Phone 808-321-0536 (English)
808-306-1677 (Japanese) 


メールアドレス 必須
お名前 必須

Focus Labo LLC | フォーカス教育研究所 - English
