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Job Search Activities and Report Submission

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  • sunset
  • mail
  • 2021/05/25 18:40

Procedures and information exchange regarding Job Search can be found in this topic.

There are some uncertainties regarding Job Search that will not be known until after the weekly filing for the week ending June 5, 2021 begins. Also, there are some aspects that will not be known until we ask questions to the call center.

So instead of asking "What can I do ? to help? ? Is there anyone else in the same situation ??

Please do not share information by word of mouth from colleagues or friends as this is not accurate. Also, if you are sharing a media news article, please be sure to include a link to the article.

Please help each other with "aloha" and "mahalo" in this topic.

If you write without logging in with your user ID, it will be hidden until Vivinavi approves your comment. If it is approved and displayed at a later date, other people may miss it, so we recommend that you log in before writing.

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Important: Please check the following links for the latest Job Search information:

Please voluntarily check the Job Search homepage and each of the other links for the latest information.

Job Search Home Page

DLIR UI Office Press Release:

DLIR Twitter:

Ige State Governor Press Release:

Report Submission Form Download at:

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[Joint Press Conference]

The Unemployment Insurance Help Team has summarized the contents of the May 20 joint press conference between Governor Ige and UI Director Anne, excerpting important parts ( ① through ⑦ ).

① Job Search reporting begins with weekly filing ending June 5

② Job Search reporting rule for weekly filing is that if you report the same appliers in the following week as you reported in the previous week, you will be counted in 3 Not counted as one of the Job Search

③ Only those who are totally unemployed ( Laidoff ) are eligible for Job Search. Those who are Temporary Layoff ( Furlough ), Short-Term ( Partial Claims ), in a Union with job placement assistance, or in the PUA program are not eligible for Job Search.

sunset comment:
Part-time furloughs and shortened hours ( Part-total Claims ) are also Job Search eligible, as reconfirmed later.

④ Job Search includes "registering with Hirenet", "researching jobs", "submitting a resume", and "getting an interview"

sunset comment:
In short. I think the nuance is that if you are able to go through the above steps and complete the three job search activities and submit a report, you are OK. The information provided in #227 and #228 of the "PEUC September Extension Program ( Third PEUC )" topic is also very helpful. Also, please register immediately as it is very likely that the UI office will check to see if you are registered with Hirenet.

⑤ Failure to show up for an interview with a company will disqualify you from unemployment insurance, and the UI Office will use the Job Search activity reports submitted by unemployment insurance recipients to investigate each company

sunset comment:
According to the Unemployment Insurance Help Team, there used to be a number of unemployment insurance recipients who engaged in this type of intentional behavior. The UI office is also following up on the filing impersonation illegal activity every week, so be sure to go to the interview if you are called for one, as they are sure to do additional investigation this time as well.

⑥ New website with updated information for employers and unemployment insurers

sunset comment:
Job Search home page.

⑦ "RESEA" and "Quality Control Assessment" will be included as part of Job Search prerequisites

sunset comment:
UI office will be in the process of responding to those called in. According to the Job Search website, you are supposed to submit your Job Search Activity Report when you are called. Please read through #789 and #965 in the "PEUC Unemployment Insurance 13-Week Extension Program" Topic.

That's all for now, but I think it is quite difficult to make a Job Search activity report on a small island like Hawaii, where English-speaking jobs are predominant.

However, hotels, bus companies, and tour companies that are reopening to mainland tourists must be looking ahead to the eventual return of Japanese tourists. Even if at first glance, the job does not call for Japanese staff, if you can show that you can speak Japanese, you may be able to catch their attention in the resumes of the flood of English-speaking applicants.

Some employers abuse their authority, so please read #216 of "PEUC September Extension Program ( 3rd PEUC ) Topic" carefully and be careful not to get involved.

For those who are not confident in writing Job Search activity reports, we strongly recommend that you do not worry alone but exchange information with your former colleagues and help each other.

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I have reconfirmed the difference in status, which was shared with me by a loco who looked into this issue.

Please compare with your own situation.

① Laidoff ( Job Search needed )
● Full time job totally unemployed due to corona
● Part time job totally unemployed due to corona

② Furlough ( No Job Search Required )
● Temporarily laid off from full time job due to Corona

③ Partial Claims ( No Job Search Required )
● Full-time job being shortened due to Corona

④ Part-total Claims ( Job Search required )
● Part-time job being shortened due to Corona
● Part-time job with shortened hours due to corona

⑤ Full-time job or part-time job with corona, totally unemployed and working part-time for another company, Job Search is required.

If you are suddenly asked to submit a "Job Search Activity Report" while you are filing weekly as if you were doing a Job Search, even though you are not doing a Job Search, it is a false declaration. If you are suddenly asked to submit a Job Search activity report while you are filing weekly reports as if you are engaged in Job Search activities, it is a false declaration.

As I shared in another Topic, at the joint press conference of Governor Ige and Anne, she stated that she would "follow up with each company based on the Job Search activity report. We do not know what kind of penalty the UI office, which is very strict about illegal impersonation and non-transparent labor income reporting, will impose, so please be careful.

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[Recommended sites for job research]

●Vivinavi Job Search Board

●Indeed site

You can also enter "Japanese" or "hotel" in the search field, or enter a company name to help narrow your search.

●Craigslist site

They say you should carefully distinguish between full time and part time positions. It is better to distinguish between full time and part time positions.

● Other Japanese job boards
We will not post the link to this site so that you can see Bibinavi's site first.

●Job Fair Events
If you search "Job Fair Hawaii" on the net, you will find virtual events hosted by various companies.

At this time, Hirenet has very few job openings for Japanese language staff, but there may be more when the tourism industry for Japanese people is expected to resume.

The best thing to do is to get a job in the type of industry you are interested in or to make the most of your career, so it would not be a bad idea to check the websites of the companies you are interested in and see if there are any job postings or to contact the HR of those companies. I am sure you will be able to find a job that you are interested in.

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With the current narrow range of job opportunities in the small island of Hawaii, it may become mentally and financially difficult for the individual if he/she struggles to prepare Job Search activity reports while sticking to unemployment insurance.

The view has been expressed that after September, the break in the PEUC program, unemployment insurance payments will be lower anyway.

Also, the timing of Japanese tourists returning to Hawaii may depend on Japanese airport rules as to when the 2-week self-quarantine will be lifted ( There are still emergency declarations in many prefectures... ) . It is not impossible that the Olympics and Paralympics could cause another spike in corona infections. As some of you may have seen on the news, the US federal government has finally issued a travel advisory for Japan.

This means that it may be some time before Japanese tourism in Hawaii resumes in earnest.

With the unemployment insurance rules showing signs of tightening, this is a suggestion, but giving up unemployment insurance and switching to part-time work may be an option. And I feel that it would be easier to find a full time job when the Japanese tourists come back. I suggest you check out the Vivinavi Job Search Board as there seem to be a lot of part time jobs listed there now. You can tell everything about a company by the atmosphere among its employees, so please observe the atmosphere of the workplace carefully. Just in case there are some folks out there who may not know. Applications for general health insurance are accepted from mid-October to early December each year, and you cannot apply at any other time. You can only apply anytime after you start working for an employer that offers health insurance benefits. Those who are planning to work only part time for a while are encouraged to apply for general health insurance this fall or to look for a part time job with health insurance benefits.

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[Official announcement by Governor Ige on Job Search]

Please open this link.

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[Part-total Claims ( Part-time ) ]

Read page 7 of the Unemployment Insurance Handbook.

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The unemployment insurance help team is most concerned about the Job Search activities that will begin while the tourism industry that supported Hawaii's economy has yet to resume in earnest, as the employer side will have overwhelming power. I am equally concerned and feel that there will be more employment-related problems in the future.

The UI Office has been encouraging companies for the past year to report those who have turned down offer letters or refused to show up for work.

Job Search activities should only select and apply for jobs that interest you. If you apply for a job randomly without much interest and reject the offer letter without reason, you will lose all eligibility for unemployment insurance if the employer reports to the UI office that you have rejected the offer letter. Please read the rules in the handbook for more information.

Some employers abuse their authority by issuing offer letters that are lower than the terms in the job posting. If the person refuses to accept the terms and conditions in the offer letter and the employer reports the rejection of the offer letter to the UI office, it is unfair to the person. To avoid getting involved with some such employers, we recommend that you keep the following in evidence.

● Print out the terms and conditions in the job posting
● Record the full name and position of the interviewer
● Record audio data during interviews and phone calls
● Save offer letters and emails

The above are important persuasive material that you can later submit to the UI Office to regain your unemployment insurance eligibility. In several past cases, the UI Office Examiner has accepted the evidence and withdrawn the unemployment insurance disqualification.

Also, with this evidence, the Legal Aid Society of Hawaii, which has pro bono attorneys, can assist you and report your employer to the Department of Labor.

Legal Aid Society of Hawaii website:

This is the USA.
Protect yourself.

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  • triple B
  • 2021/05/25 (Tue) 20:45
  • Report

Thanks for the detailed summary about Job Search.

It certainly seems difficult to find a full time position right now.
Wouldn't giving up full time and looking for part time, as described in #8, apply to
are seeking part-time employment
Would they not be eligible to switch from UI to PUA ??

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triple B,

I also noticed this statement on the PUA website the other day, which I have not read in a while, and have been wondering what the interpretation is.

It's just my personal opinion, but if people who have lost their full time jobs entirely due to the Corona effect are allowed to engage in part-time job search for the purpose of switching to PUA, there will be a flood of people switching to PUA, including locals, so perhaps the UI office and PUA offices would probably not allow it.

However, it may be possible that those who have lost their part time jobs entirely due to the Corona impact and continue to look for part time work may be allowed to switch PUAs. But it is also uncertain if it is possible.

You could ask the PUA contact at the call center.

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  • triple B
  • 2021/05/25 (Tue) 21:33
  • Report

I see, I would be inundated with requests to switch !

I hear that companies would rather hire two part-timers than hire one full-timer.
Now that the Japanese tourists are not returning, it seems to be tough to find a full time position in the type of work they want.
I will ask the PUA call center.
Thank you.

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triple B,
To all part-timers receiving UI,

I have since confirmed with the unemployment insurance help team member who specializes in PUA, so I am sharing this with you as soon as possible.

[Regarding triple B's #12 question]

Unfortunately, it is not possible to switch to PUA.

The reason is that the timing of the very first application for unemployment insurance, i.e., 18 months of past earnings retroactively from the time the first Initial Application was submitted, determines whether you are eligible for UI or PUA.

The PUA is a Corona Prevention Program to accept people who were denied UI because they were unable to calculate their WBA based on past income. In other words, if they are receiving UI, they are able to calculate their WBA, and it is not possible for them to switch to PUA in the middle of the process at their own will.

Therefore, it is impossible to switch to PUA as long as the person is receiving UI, regardless of the respective statuses "Full-time job fully unemployed", "Part-time fully unemployed", "Part-time temporarily laid off", or "Part-time shortened".

Indeed, in past cases, all those who were unable to calculate WBA in the Base Period or Alternative Period were denied UI and moved to PUA. The wording in the example "are seeking part-time employment" is interpreted to mean that these people are seeking part-time work.

He said that if the call center staff were skilled people, they would explain the difference between UI and PUA in past earnings. If skilled staff responds, please double check.

As an aside, the "UI → PUA" switch for parents with children under high school age who are in Stay Home due to school closures or online classes is a "special exception" to protect many parents and children from corona effects, regardless of past income.

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  • 2021/05/26 (Wed) 15:09
  • Report

I am very sorry for your busy schedule. I have just started up. Thank you very much.

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Dear employers reading this topic,
In the restaurant industry, where staffing shortages are becoming more and more serious, some companies like StripSteak Waikiki are doing their best by promising to pay bonuses along with hiring. We hope you will refer to this case study as an example of how to solve the problem of human resource shortages.

To those who are thinking of changing jobs in the restaurant industry,
StripSteak Waikiki's website has a Japanese menu, so there is a possibility that they are looking for Japanese staff. I suggest you contact HR to see what kind of positions they have available. They are having a Job Fair next Tuesday and Wednesday.

StripSteak Waikiki is offering a $ 600 sign-up bonus at its job fair Tuesday and Wednesday for anyone who is accepted for a

Link to:

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  • Aloha
  • 2021/05/31 (Mon) 13:11
  • Report

I have been job searching since I lost my job in Corona, but I am having a very difficult time finding a job that is equivalent to my previous income when I look at job openings.
Also, my current unemployment insurance benefits are less than my previous income, and even if I look for jobs with this minimum amount of unemployment insurance benefits, it is difficult to find such conditions.
Of course, there may be jobs available regardless of the type of work, but I would like a job where I can make use of my experience.
I have a feeling that there are quite a few people in this situation, but what about you? ?

I often hear employers complain that they cannot attract workers because of unemployment insurance. I have some doubts about the conditions of employment, benefits, etc.
Some employers seem to think that unemployment insurance is generous, but I myself have less unemployment insurance than I used to earn, and I would like to get back to work as soon as possible.
I don't feel that there is a difference in perception between these employers and the unemployed.

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  • mIKK
  • 2021/05/31 (Mon) 13:36
  • Report

I totally agree with ALOHAsan.
There is a lot of talk about the lack of job openings in the restaurant industry.
Considering the cost of living in Hawaii, I think you will be stuck in this job even if you change your field of business.

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  • 就活
  • 2021/05/31 (Mon) 14:56
  • Report

What happens if, like Aloha, I job search three times a week and cannot find the job I want ?
Do I have to contact and proceed with my job search for a job I don't want and with poor conditions ?
Currently If I am hired by the company I am currently considering, will my income be $ 1000 less per month than the amount of unemployment insurance I receive?
Also, if I tell them what I want ( to be paid ) and they turn me down, will that count as a job search ??

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Contact Information]

With the vaccine situation in Japan and the airport rules not improving, I believe that Japanese residents in Hawaii will suffer more from this Job Search activity than the locals ( The people who will suffer the most are the unemployment insurance recipients living on the islands ). The people who will suffer the most are the unemployment insurance recipients who live on the islands .

We strongly encourage those who wish to address the Hawaii government about this situation and the lack of alignment between the needs of employers and employees to contact the Governor Ige, the Hawaii Tourism Authority, your local legislators, or your local media. We strongly recommend that you contact the Governor Ige, the Hawaii Tourism Authority, your local legislator, or the local media.

In particular, the Honolulu Star Advertiser, where Governor Ige and UI Director Anne are interviewed monthly, has been most effective.

Unless each of you speak up and take action, the Hawaii government will not get the message.

Honolulu Star Advertiser contact:

Hawaii Tourism Authority Contact:

Ige Governor Contact:

Local senators contact:

Local Representatives contact:

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  • mIKK
  • 2021/06/01 (Tue) 00:43
  • Report

With all due respect, I think the politicians in this state are so intent on securing their own interests
that they are not very forthcoming with the citizens.
For example, when it comes to tax returns, most other states have extended deadlines or cut taxes
but what about this state ? they haven't cut their own salaries
even though the state is in dire financial straits ?.

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Thank you for sharing your opinion.

The Unemployment Insurance Help Team and I are more than aware of how heavy handed the Hawaii government is.

The only thing I can say so far is that nothing can be done without first telling them what is going on. For example, we started accepting parents who were unemployed because they could not keep their children at home alone, and who were rejected for UI because they refused to come to work, at the PUA.

I am very sorry, but I do not intend to discuss politics here.

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  • 就活中
  • 2021/06/04 (Fri) 11:47
  • Report

We are in a bit of a hurry as the 6/5 filing is coming up.
If I file without having done Job Search for 3 companies, it will be a false report ?
It is very difficult to find jobs for 3 companies every week, but in this case, will I continue to not receive benefits every week without filing? Is this a case where I can't receive benefits without filing every week?

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The answer is in Q&A in this Topic #2 Job Search web page link.

From what I have seen in past cases, the UI office is very strict about false applications, so I would recommend just avoiding false applications.

At this time, no one knows if you have any questions other than what is written on the Job Search web page. We recommend that you ask questions directly to the call center.

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12pm KITV news is that PUA's will also have to do a job search starting 6/13.

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  • 就活中
  • 2021/06/04 (Fri) 15:13
  • Report

Mr. Sunset

I will look over the Q&A thoroughly.
Thank you very much.

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Urgent Share]

I have reconfirmed with the Unemployment Insurance Help Team
and am sharing this as soon as possible.

Even if you submit a Resume to a company and are not invited for an interview by that company, it will be counted as "one of the 3 Job Search".

After all, the above seems to be the same as the pre-Corona unemployment insurance rules.

It seems that the Job Search activity form needs to include not only the "result" but also the "name of the contact person at the company". I think it is possible to complete the Job Search activity form.

If it is a good company, they should be able to tell you the results if you contact them within a week or two after you submit your Resume.

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[PUAs are now also eligible for Job Search]

It appears that this will begin with weekly filings ending June 19. Please read the official announcement dated yesterday on the Job Search web page for more details.

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We recommend that you check out this web page. Enter your City or Zip Code in the search field and a list of jobs will appear. This is the U.S. version, so it is a must-see for Mainland residents and those who are thinking of moving to the U.S.

Of course, at this time there are only a handful of Japanese staff positions available in Hawaii on this web page. However, if a hotel has many openings for various positions, it means that they are planning to reopen in earnest in the near future, so you may want to inquire with the hotel HR yourself to see if there are any Japanese staff positions that have not yet been made available to the public.

In the hotel industry in Hawaii, I think that being able to speak Japanese is an appeal that will leave a lasting impression.

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The Unemployment Insurance Help Team shared the following information with us.

For example, the following actions are strictly monitored by the UI office. For example, the following actions are likely to be heavily scrutinized by the UI office and will not count toward the 3 Job Search.

Applying for a job as an accountant without certification
Applying for a job as a doctor or nurse without certification
Applying for a job as a professor without a PhD
Applying for a job as a police officer without citizenship

For your reference, please refer to the Job Search web page Q&. A for your reference.

Does applying for any job count as a job search contact?

No, it does not. You must apply for jobs for which you are For example, if you do not have a medical background and apply for a job as a hospital physician, that application will not be counted as a job For example, if you do not have a medical background and apply for a job as a hospital physician, that application will not be counted as a job contact.

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  • hawaiiiiiii
  • 2021/06/09 (Wed) 00:20
  • Report

I am always referring to your information.
I am eligible for this job search and have started job hunting, but I think I am going to get a job as a contractor, not an employee.
However, I have to take classes for about a month before I can actually get a job.
I think the following applies to the Job search website, but does anyone know if it applies to Contractor as well ?

→ Yes, you must make three However, any activity related to your pending job opportunity counts as a contact. For example, attending a training, undergoing a physical, or submitting to a drug test can be counted as a job search contact.

Also, once I start work in earnest, I will not have to get UI benefits. ?
Sorry if this is the wrong topic, but I would like to hear from anyone who has already started work.

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If the work is similar to full time, I think there is a good chance it would apply.

If there are no posts from others with practical advice, I suggest you double check with the contacts on the Job Search web page to be sure. Here is the link.

"It looks like I won't have to get UI benefits once the job starts in earnest, but do I have to do anything to terminate UI? ?"

Just stop filing every week. No procedure is required.

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[Beware of ABC Store Jobs ! ]

This is a notice to UI and PUAs.

The Unemployment Insurance Help Team has asked us to share this with the Japanese Unemployment Insurance community as this is a warning that should not be overlooked.

Loco unemployment insurance recipients who applied for one position at ABC Store Jobs were unsuccessful for that position.

They were then offered other positions by ABC Store, asking "What about other positions ??"

When he declined the offered position because he had no experience or career experience, the ABC Store reported to the UI office or PUA office that he had rejected the offer, and he lost his unemployment insurance eligibility.

There is now a surge of unreasonable cases regarding ABC Store jobs.

If you are applying for an ABC Store position, we strongly recommend that you stay ahead of the curve by adding a statement that you are only applying for this position and if you are unsuccessful, you do not need information about other positions.

If you are involved in a similar unreasonable case and have other companies to watch out for, please share them on this topic or email me directly.

As I warned in #11 of this Topic, leave evidence anyway.

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  • レポート
  • 2021/06/10 (Thu) 12:52
  • Report

I can't reach UI by phone, so please let me know if you know anything about this here.

Do I have to fill out a new report form every week ?
or can I just continue to fill out the same form additionally ?

Thank you.

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Mr. Report
Additional description. If you run out of space to write, print a new one.
It doesn't have to be report paper, regular paper will do.
There should be no rule that says you have to use the report paper specified by ui. There should be no rule that says that you have to use the report paper specified by the ui side.
I received ui in 2015. I was told at the seminar at that time.

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  • レポート
  • 2021/06/10 (Thu) 18:56
  • Report

Thank you !

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This is a continuation of #47 in this Topic.

Since then, the Unemployment Insurance Help Team has shared again, and I share it below.

In addition to the ABC Store, the team has asked that you be aware of other position announcements when applying to Sam's Club, California Pizza Kitchen, and Home Depot.

My personal impression is that in the small Hawaiian community, one wonders why these companies can't read ahead of time how a good or bad corporate image can spread quickly and affect their recruitment efforts.

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  • hawaiiiiiii
  • 2021/06/10 (Thu) 20:59
  • Report

Dear sunset

# I asked you a question in 45.
Thank you for your reply.

I am having trouble getting through to you, but I will try calling !
If I am lucky enough to connect and find out something, I will share.

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It's true. The image of the company has taken a turn for the worse. I have mixed feelings about it because I used to like California Pizza Kitchen and Home Depot.

Now, I have a question about job search.
I registered my resume with Hirenet Hawaii. I have registered my resume on Hirenet Hawaii, but sometimes I can't send my resume properly, so I send it from the linked sites such as "indeed", but the resume section on the dashboard does not show up.

Also, if I send my resume from a private company that is not linked (such as from Vivinavi Hawaii), how does the UI check in that case? site is the same as it always has been, and you can't enter company contact information, etc.

Also, if a company contacts me after reading my information on HirenetHawaii, and I call them to discuss a positive interview, can I report that as one count? Anyone knows? Please tell me ! Thank you.

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  • Ki
  • 2021/06/11 (Fri) 09:12
  • Report


PUAで失業保険をもらっているSelf employment なんですが、私の場合も毎週3件の就職活動報告が必要なんでしょうか?それとも件数は特に決まってないのでしょうか?下記文書を読んで、混乱してます。

After receiving additional guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor, the DLIR announced it will start requiring Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claimants to make three job contacts beginning the week of June 13, 2021. The requirement applies to all PUA claimants who will need to report the contacts in the PUA portal. You must conduct work search activities for each week that you are unemployed such as submitting resumes, contacting employers, checking resources at employment offices, checking job listings in Hirenet Hawaii (the internet based job matching system of the Workforce Development Division), attending job fairs or employment workshops, etc.

The new requirement also includes those not traditionally covered under the unemployment insurance program, like the self-employed and independent contractors. If you are collecting PUA due to the loss of self-employment you must actively seek to resume your self-employment. Examples may include, but are not limited to, advertising your business, bidding on jobs, contacting potential clients, seeking assistance from the Hawaii Small Business Development Center or the U.S Small Business Administration.

If you are collecting PUA due to the loss of self-employment you must actively seek to resume your self-employment. Examples may include, but are not limited to, advertising your business, bidding on jobs, contacting potential clients, seeking assistance from the Hawaii Small Business Development Center or the U.S Small Business Administration.

You must keep a record of all your work search contacts and submit it when requested by the Department. If you do not make at least three work search contacts each week as required, you may be considered not available for work and therefore denied benefits.

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Dear Ki,

The first part of the second line says,make three job contacts.

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Mana, it has been a while.

It may be possible that the guidance from the UI office is not being communicated well to the various companies. I hear that people who are involved in unreasonable companies are running to Legal Aid, so I hope that this will be the start of an improvement.

"I registered my resume and other information with Hirenet Hawaii. "I have registered my resume and other information with Hirenet Hawaii, but sometimes I can't send my resume properly, so I send it exclusively from linked sites such as "indeed". I also wonder how the UI checks if I send my resume from a private company that is not linked (such as from this Vivinavi Hawaii) ? ? ?"

Job shared in #2 of this Topic From reading the Search homepage, it seems that when you are selected for "Quality Control" or "RESEA", you submit a Job Search activity form, and the UI office uses the form as a basis to contact each company for follow-up investigation. In other words, it is important to fill in the name of the person in charge and contact information of the company to which you applied. If it is left blank, it may not be counted as one of the "3 Job Search".

For your reference, here is an excerpt from the Job Search home page. The "Written log" is the Job Search activity form.

Will I be asked to provide my written log of job search contacts to receive benefits ?

Yes. You will be asked to provide your written log of job search contacts if your claim is selected for a Quality Control review or if you are selected to participate in the Failure to provide your written log of job search contacts will result in a pending

Job Search Activity Form:
Job Search Activity Form

About Quality Control:
"PEUC Unemployment Insurance 13 Week Extension Program" Topic #789 to read about it.

About RESEA:
The Job Search homepage has a detailed explanation.

By the way, "Quality Control" and "RESEA" are chosen suddenly without prior notice. I have the impression that the probability of being selected is increasing now that it is the Job Search season.

"If a company contacts me after reading my information on HirenetHawaii, can I report it as one count if I have a phone conversation with the company and consider a positive interview ? ?"
↑ "Is this a count?
I think this is a question that only the UI office can answer accurately, so if there are no written examples of advice, I suggest you double-check with the Job Search Consultation Service ( i.e. the call center ).

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For those of you who are active in Job Search,

some of you may already know that the Job Search homepage that I shared in #2 of this Topic has been updated with more details compared to a few days ago.

It is possible that there will be more updates in the future, so we recommend that you open and check the homepage daily.

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I have a question from a friend who is receiving unemployment insurance through the PUA. She is receiving unemployment insurance through the PUA because she applied to UI and did not qualify, and she is self-employed and knows that she is eligible for the three appraisals starting next week, but she is concerned that if she had any income from her original self-employment during this job search, she would not be required to apply for the three separate appraisals. I'm having a hard time understanding why I need 3 appraisals even if I have a little less than my original income. The reason for this is that I have been advised that those who have even a little less than their original income should not be required to apply for 3 applications, and those who are PUAs are required to apply for 3 applications regardless of their income. The person who gave me this advice was not a PUA unemployment insurance recipient like me, so it was not accurate. I'm stuck because there are no PUA recipients around her. I am wondering if anyone knows anything about this ? PUA 3-application process ?.

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Dear PUAs,

Many of you may have questions about the detailed rules for PUAs only, as they have not been updated on the Job Search website. I am not sure if it will be updated in the future or if it means "please take it as the same rules as the UI".

Unlike UI unemployment insurance, which existed before Corona, PUA unemployment insurance is a newly started program to address Corona. This means that there are far fewer people who will be able to write actual advice regarding Job Search until after the weekly filing begins.

I think you would get more accurate information by double-checking with the PUA counseling service here.

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【PUAのJob Search正式発表】


HONOLULU — The state Department of Labor & Industrial Relations (DLIR) today announced it will start requiring Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) claimants to make three job contacts beginning the week of June 13, 2021. The requirement applies to all PUA claimants who will need to report the contacts in the PUA portal.

“Thousands of Hawaii claimants lost their livelihood during the pandemic through no fault of their own. Now it is our goal to get them back to work,” said DLIR Director Anne Perreira-Eustaquio. “With vaccines more widely available and the economy recovering, we want people to redouble their efforts to earn a living and aid in our state’s economic recovery.”

The work search requirement for PUA benefits was previously waived due to the pandemic. The new requirement includes those not traditionally covered under the unemployment insurance program, like the self-employed and independent contractors, as well as those ineligible for regular unemployment compensation due to COVID-19 issues such as serving as the primary caretaker of a child that is unable to attend school or for a person whose childcare facility closed as a direct result of COVID-19.

PUA claimants will need to begin reporting the three job contacts on June 20, 2021. Examples of PUA work search could include, but are not limited to: advertising your business, creating a profile on freelance websites, promoting and marketing your business, or meeting with an organization assisting businesses such as the Hawaii Small Business Development Center or the U.S. Small Business Administration.

If an individual was previously self-employed but has no plans to return to self-employment or if they are ineligible for regular UI benefits but eligible for PUA due to COVID-19, then they will be required to do a work search or work search related activity in the same way regular unemployment insurance claimants do so.

Claimants can find helpful Q&As at:


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Call Center Notes]

In some cases, when we ask the call center a question that we cannot find the answer to on the Job Search home page, we are told that the call center will say, "I don't know.

Staff who are not afraid to say such things are considered to have insufficient training or zero customer service experience.

If you are told "I don't know," it is strongly recommended that you do not back down, but rather press on, "Please ask the Examiner now" or "Please connect me with the Examiner.

Unlike call center staff, Examiners have all the authority and knowledge and experience of unemployment insurance and can answer accurately.

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  • Stoker
  • 2021/06/14 (Mon) 15:49
  • Report

My question is, I typed in my PEUC report today for the last two weeks, and I didn't see a field in jobsearch to enter the three companies I interviewed with ? Is there a problem with the "YES" number in ( 3 + ) That's it. I didn't write the name of the company or anything.

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No problem. See #59 in this Topic about when to submit the job search form with the three aplicants written in each week to the UI office.

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Dear PUAs,

For PUAs with various backgrounds, the Unemployment Insurance Help Team has compiled a separate summary for you to share ( ① to ④ )

① Sole proprietors who are back in business Owners

As a form of proof that you have resumed business, you must do one of the following and report it ( A to D )
( A ) Advertising your business
( B ) Creating a profile on freelance websites
( C ) Promoting and marketing your business
( D ) Meeting with an organization assisting businesses such as the Hawaii Small Business Development Center or the U.S. Small Business Administration.

*Some of you may have questions or concerns about how to report or ( A ) to ( D ). However, at this time the Job Search homepage is not updated in detail, and there are no real-world examples to share because the weekly Job Search filing has not yet begun. If you have any questions or doubts, please ask the PUA consultation service at the call center or use this topic to help each other out.

② Sole proprietors who plan to reopen their businesses in the near future and former sole proprietors who have closed their businesses completely

Hirenet registration and 3 Job Search activities are required

③ Employees who were denied UI and transferred to PUA due to failure to calculate WBA

Must register with Hirenet and complete 3 Job Search activities

④ For employees with children in temporary school closures or online classes

Need to register for Hirenet and do 3 Job Search activities

*If the pattern is the same as previous years, parents will be able to register for Hirenet and do 3 Job Search activities at the start of the school summer vacation season. It is thought that the start of the school summer vacation season has made parents eligible for the Job Search.

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It is expected that UI people and PUA people will be posting in this topic. It may be difficult for other people to read the topic whether it is about "UI" or "PUA".

If you post a thread, please write clearly whether it is about "UI" or "PUA". Thank you for your cooperation.

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  • snoopy
  • 2021/06/16 (Wed) 07:20
  • Report

UI. I have several associates who go to the same company part time.
Currently, all of my colleagues are commuting to work only a few hours a week.
I only found out at the start of Job Search 3 that
even though we all have the same status,
on the file question screen, some have the
how many employers did you contact?
and some do not have that question.
Those without that question were able to continue on with their files last week.
I am currently stopped at overpayment, but
when I was filing until last year,
I always saw this question on the screen, so I selected one.
Does anyone know the difference ?
since all of my peers are the same part time,
I was afraid something went wrong with me first.

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  • Palm
  • 2021/06/16 (Wed) 09:48
  • Report

Seems like the same thing is happening in Farlow.
It seems that some people in Farlow at the same company are getting job search questions and some are not. A previous post here
said that even if you are a Farlow, you may be on layoff status at UI. For some people, the job search question has been out since last April.
I know someone from another company who was laid off, but he said he had already received a job search check from UI by phone. It seems to me that anyone who gets questions should keep proper

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Last spring, right after the Corona lockdown, many people made the mistake of choosing the wrong status when they applied for unemployment insurance for the first time, because there were many status words such as "Layoff" and "Furlough" that even locals were unfamiliar with. Many people made the mistake of choosing the wrong status when they applied for unemployment insurance for the first time. Many were unaware that they had made a mistake.

Also, the UI system at that time was an older version ( in the 1980s... ) There was also a system error that caused three questions to appear during the job search waiver season, even though the person had selected the correct status.

However, it is not possible to find out which is your status in your UI account. So please refer to the following actions in relation to your situation ( ① to ③ ).

① Full-time job is Furlough ( Temporary layoff ) or Partial Claims ( Shortened hours ) but every week filing shows 3 questions

This is a mistake as they are not originally displayed. Please contact the call center first and double check if this is due to Glitch ( UI office side system error ) Glitch will correct it to the correct status.

If it is not a Glitch, and you have mistaken the status, please take the following steps.

-Taken from the Job Search homepage -
What actions do I take if I am still attached to my employer but I am asked the

If you are still attached to a full-time employer, please ask your employer to submit a Only your employer can submit the UC-348 form.

Instructions for your employer on how to submit the UC-348 form can be found here:

② Full time job is Layoff ( Full layoff ) but 3 questions do not show up in weekly filing

This is a mistake as they should. Please contact the call center first and double check if this is due to a Glitch ( UI office side system error ) Glitch will correct it to the correct status.

If it is not a Glitch and you made a mistake in selecting the wrong status, you will need to change your status and apply for Reactivate a Claim. Please be aware that if you do not change your status and do not conduct a job search, you will likely be penalized by the UI office.

③ Part-time job is Layoff ( Full Layoff ), Furlough ( Temporary Layoff ), or Part-total Claims ( Shorter Hours ) but weekly Filing does not show 3 questions

This is a mistake as they should show up. Please check with the call center first to see if this is due to a Glitch ( system error ) on the UI office side, and if it is Glitch, they will fix it.

If it is not a Glitch and you made a mistake in selecting the wrong status, you will need to change your status and apply for a job with Reactivate a Claim. Please be aware that if you do not change your status and do not conduct a job search, you will likely be penalized by the UI office.

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We know that some of you may find part-time, on-call, or fixed-term jobs during your Job Search, so here are the steps ( ① through ④ ).

① Add new employer information in weekly filing by the deadline for the week of the first day you worked
*For example, if you first worked on June 22 ( Wed ), you would file on June 27 ( Sun ) to July 3 ( Complete weekly filing submissions between Sat and Sat )

② Update new employer information by filing a Reactivate a Claim the day after you submit your weekly filing when you add employer information
*Select "Add Employer to Claim"
*In the Enter the last date worked for this employer section, enter the date you last worked. For example, if you worked yesterday, you can enter yesterday's date
*In the night time, Reactivate a Claim application is not accepted, and Alert will be displayed.

③ Try opening the weekly filing halfway through and see if new employer information is set to appear automatically

④ If it appears automatically, add employer information Update complete.
*If it does not appear, email the following ( A ) to ( D ) to the Language Access office along with your name, last 4 digits of your social security number, address, phone number, and email address and submit to the next

( A ) New Employer: full name of employer
( B ) Address: address of employer
( C ) Started Work Date: First day of work
( D ) Status: Employment Status ( e.g. Part-Time, On-Call )

The above is all that is needed to update the employer information. Please be patient as it seems to take a couple of weeks or more for the UI office to approve and deposit the filing each week after the additional updates are made.

If you find a full time job, simply stop filing weekly. No other procedures are required.

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We recommend that you contact the UI office as this is a very sensitive question that will depend on the final decision of the UI office.

Please also refer to the questions and answers on the Job Search website.

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  • マキキ
  • 2021/06/26 (Sat) 08:57
  • Report

Question for ③ in #77.
I started part time twice a week on 6/15, but I am still applying for unemployment insurance because it is less than $150.
I filed for 6 / 19 weeks on 6/25 and that I started part time and added my company information on 6/26.
Since I apply every 2 weeks, will the confirmation for #77 ③ be after 7 / 4? I just checked with my weekly application, but I couldn't choose a date and got a red text saying it was too early to move forward.

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I didn't explain about ③ in #77.

You can check to see if the new employer information is automatically displayed when you are able to file weekly.

In other words, check on July 4 ( Sunday ). If it has not been additionally updated, please ask the UI office to have it additionally updated by Saturday, the deadline for submitting weekly filings. You can also check

Reactivate a Claim filing. After you try to re-enter the new employer information, if you get a message that says something like, "There are no changes to be made, so you don't need to make any changes", it means that the additional update has been completed.

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Thank you for your quick reply.
I understand the above.

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I would appreciate it if you could tell me.

I returned to the company where I was Laid Off 6/19 for a part week.
I made a weekly claim on 6/20. After that, I REACTIVATED and completed updating employer's information.

I tried WEEKLY CLAIM today and

Did you perform any work during the week? duty for the National Guards or Reserves, and part-time or full-time work)

*Enter total hours worked for all employers.

*Did you perform weekend drill or active duty for the Reserves or National Guard?

*Were you self-employed during the week?
and when all the questions were answered, the next question was asked.

(Which PARTTIME does this question mean? I guess you mean the job I went back to part time ? )


Did you work for YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER during the week?

Did you refuse any work from YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER?

Were you still employed by YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER as of 06/26/2021?

By the way, if you answer ) regardless of the above question ( Yes No, the following question will now appear.
( This is the name of the part I went back to twice a week. )


Did you work for **** **** MANAGEMENT LLC during the week?

Enter the gross dollar amount earned:

Did you refuse any work from **** **** MANAGEMENT LLC?

Were you still employed by **** **** MANAGEMENT LLC as of 06/26/2021?

💛💛Would you also include the information that you are currently back 2 weeks ?

If you know what to do, please let me know. Please let me know.

Please let me know.

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I returned to the company where I was Laid Off 6/19 part time week 2."

Do you mean that you rejoined that former employer as part time after being completely laid off ? In that case, the process is to update the employer information again, adding. And I mean "YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER".

"By the way, if you answer the above question ( Yes or No regardless ) you will now get the following question. ( This one automatically gives the name of the part I went back to twice a week. )"

When I first applied for unemployment insurance, I think it is highly likely that I selected "temporary termination" by mistake when I should have selected "full termination. If you have selected "Temporary Termination" by mistake, we recommend that you explain the circumstances to the call center and ask for advice on the exact steps to take to correct the situation before you make any changes to your Reactivate a Claim application.

Have the following three questions been automatically displayed in your weekly filing since you first applied for unemployment insurance as "Full Termination" ? If not, it is likely that you selected "Temporary Termination" by mistake. Please refer to #75 in this Topic as well.

Did you look for work?
How many did you contact?
Do you keep the record?

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Dear Sunset
Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

"I returned to the company where I was Laid Off 6/19 part time week 2."

Do you mean that you rejoined that former employer as part time after you were completely laid off ? In that case, the process is to update your employer information again, adding. And I mean "YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER".

[Yes. I was completely laid off last June and rehired June 19 in a part time position at the place where I was laid off.
As you mentioned the process of updating the employer information one more time, I went to work for the first time on the 19th and WEELY CLAIMED on the 20th
I put in my working hours and company information. REACTIVATE was also completed on Wednesday of the same week.


"By the way, the above question ( Yes or no, if you answer ) you will now get the following question. ( This one automatically gives the name of the part I went back to twice a week. )"

When I first applied for unemployment insurance, I think it is highly likely that I selected "temporary termination" by mistake when I should have selected "full termination. If you have selected "Temporary Termination" by mistake, we recommend that you explain the circumstances to the call center and ask for advice on the exact steps you should take to correct the situation before you tamper with the Reactivate a Claim application.

[At first I was temporarily terminated, but in June I was fully terminated, and at that time I also REACTIVATE a full termination, and after I was fully terminated,
I went from a weekly claim to a biweekly claim and three questions kept showing up. I am sure that my status was full dismissal.
I think the company name came up on this claim because I reactivated it last Wednesday, but before I reactivated it, the company name was not showing up.

💛💛EMPLOYED - YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER, do you mean I should reenter the information returned in the part ?


Did you work for YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER during the week?

Enter the gross dollar amount earned:

Did you refuse any work from YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER?


Did you work for **** **** MANAGEMENT LLC

Enter the gross dollar amount earned:

Did you refuse any work from **** **** MANAGEMENT LLC?
Were you still employed by **** **** MANAGEMENT LLC as of 06/26/2021?
If I put "Amount Earned" in each of them, wouldn't it be considered as double earning ?

I'm sorry I can't explain it well.

Please do not hesitate to contact me.

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Thank you for the explanation of how it happened. I'm not sure if the UI system is designed to do that or if it's just a glitch.

"💛💛 and ★ ★ are the same question. I fear that it will be systematically misinterpreted as a filing, which will complicate things later on. You may want to contact the call center ( and especially the Examiner ) to see which employer information should be entered in which section. They may be able to delete the ★ ★ section and correct it directly.

This is a new case that we have not seen before and I am sorry that we cannot help you in the end. I will share this with the Unemployment Insurance Help Team.

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Dear Sunset

Thank you for all your advice.

I was going to try the Week End 6/26 file again today and call UI if necessary.

I checked today and


Did you work for YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER during the week?

Did you refuse any work from YOUR NEW PARTTIME EMPLOYER? 06/26/2021?

The question has disappeared and only the places where you are currently re-employed are shown.

It may have been some kind of glitch as Sunset said.

The file is complete and hot.

I always appreciate your advice to many people on this forum.
I really appreciate your kind support.

Thank you very much for your help.

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A loco shared this with us and we will share it with this topic.

The University of Hawaii and Community Colleges are offering a short-term skills training program for the unemployed that will cover up to $2000 in tuition.

This is recommended because having skills is one of the most appealing aspects of a job search in a different industry.

The article is pasted below.

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  • ひょっこりはん
  • mail
  • 2021/07/23 (Fri) 09:35
  • Report

I received a letter from UI regarding a job search.

The letter states that a ZOOM MEETING appointment will be scheduled during the interviewee dates listed in the letter and a ONE ON ON ONE interview will be scheduled after that meeting.

I'm also doing the assigned job search and keeping a log, so I don't think it's a problem, but if anyone has received a similar letter, or has done that already !, if you could give me some more details, it would put my mind I'd like to know more details so that I can calm down.

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It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of job search activities at a time when unemployment insurance may end in September, making it difficult to make calm decisions, so we share some points to keep in mind just in case.

During the job search process, we often hear things like, "The job description was different from what I was told before I joined the company," "There was no compliance," "The company was a one-man operation," or "The salary was lower than what was written in the job description. Even if the company looks good from the outside, you cannot know the real situation until you actually join the company. The quality of the work environment is not always in proportion to the company's sales or name recognition.

Larger companies are usually safe because they are in compliance ( but companies with labor unions are even more secure ) and you should be cautious about smaller companies.

Before submitting your resume, seek out as many outsiders who know the company well and gather reviews before making a final decision. The small island of Hawaii is a small society, so if you want to find people who know the company well, you will find them.

Be especially wary of companies that have too many people quitting or being fired because they are employers that are not good at developing talent.

Indeed also has realistic evaluations of companies by former employees, which can be very helpful.

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Posting period for “ Job Search Activities and Report Submission ”  has been closed.
Please create new topic to continue the same topic.