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question. ..

Chat Gratis
  • Yuki and Paulo
  • Correo
  • 2015/02/12 05:02

Sorry for writing in English.
I'm currently living in West Hollywood, California. I'm getting tired of very high paced busy life....
I started think about moving to Hawaii but I have no idea how is the life in Hawaii.
I just want to ask people who live in Hawaii, not visitors.
How is your life in Hawaii ?
Los Angeles is a city but everything is so expensive, people stressed out, and traffic is terrible. ..

I have two kids, I'm a nurse, working at hospital in L.A.


Hello Yuki & Paulo
I live in Hawaii over 5yrs.
Depends on your household incomes, I can tell Hawaii is good or not.

The weather is great!
But cost of living is very expensive than LA.

Many family move to California or other states or Japan from Hawaii.

But If you are wealth, No worry!
Many Japanese live here, Never been experienced race discrimination as Japanese.

Hawaii is so small.
You may be get a little bored with Japanese rumor and sightseeing.

If you live in west side in Hawaii,
Very traffic to town.

According to Hawaii News,
Nurse's income average is 60k to 70k.
California is way to better, right?

In addition, If you have own home in LA, after selling you may be able to purchase here.

Rent is getting expensive.
I suggest to purchase than rent.
If you choose right popular location, Never lose money.
Not only Rent, Home also getting higher.

I know Many family is still renting.
But I know Many family have own home, Not only one.

If you have a chance to stay here over 1month, You will know good or bad to live here.


Hi how are you doing?
Well living in Hawaii for four years since I started college.
I personally would not recommend living here in Hawaii if you care about money.
I have been offered fulltime jobs here but with the low salary on this island, it is very hard to survive.
Only good thing about hawaii is the weather and that is about it. HOpe it helped you out

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