카테고리별 표시
최신내용부터 전체표시
1. | 二重国籍パスポート期限切れ(221view/4res) | 질문 | 오늘 12:30 |
2. | 三菱UFJ銀行から口座に関する回答要求のメールがきました。(278view/5res) | 고민 / 상담 | 2024/12/13 21:29 |
3. | 日本からハワイに送金(419view/3res) | 질문 | 2024/12/09 08:59 |
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6. | GWに5歳の日本の男の子が楽しめる場所(291view/2res) | 질문 | 2024/12/06 15:58 |
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8. | 車のオイルチェンジどこがいいですか?(595view/3res) | 질문 | 2024/12/03 23:16 |
9. | 内覧時に必要な個人情報(443view/5res) | 질문 | 2024/12/03 12:17 |
10. | 離婚後の健康保険(682view/3res) | 질문 | 2024/12/03 09:06 |
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- 2019/07/03 21:33
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- 2019/07/04 (Thu) 14:42
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Abortion Services in Honolulu, HI
Honolulu Health Center offers the following abortion services:
abortion pill (medication abortion)in-clinic abortionpre- and post-abortion patient educationpost-abortion follow-up examsreferrals for other abortion services, as neededHere's what you need to know about abortion services at this health center:Abortion Pill (Medication Abortion)
Abortion pill (medication abortion) is offered up to 10 weeks and 0 days after the start of your last menstrual period.
If your last period was more than 10 weeks and 0 days ago, read about our in-clinic abortion services below.
Abortion pill (medication abortion) services are available by appointment only.
Plan to be at the health center for 1-2 hour(s) for your entire abortion pill visit (medication abortion).
You will need to follow up within 1-2 weeks to make sure your abortion is complete and that you are well. In the unlikely event that you are still pregnant, you may need another dose of medication or to have an in-clinic abortion to end the pregnancy.
After your abortion pill visit, you will need access to a telephone, transportation, and backup medical care available to you once you are home.
In-Clinic Abortion
In-clinic abortion is offered up to 13 weeks and 6 days after the start of your last menstrual period. If your last period was after 13 weeks and 6 days, we can still help. Call us for a referral list of health care providers in your area that offer other abortion services.
In-clinic abortions are available by appointment only.
Plan to be at the health center for 2 - 3 hour(s) for your entire visit for an in-clinic abortion.
If you desire medication to help make your in-clinic abortion more comfortable, you must have a responsible companion with you to help you get home safely.
If you have asthma, bring an inhaler if you have one.
Other Abortion Services Information
If you take any medications, please continue to take these medications normally before your appointment.
Please do not bring children with you to the health center.
During your visit, you may be given the following:
pregnancy testa chance to speak with a trained staff person about all of your choices: abortion, adoption, and parentinga conversation with the health care provider about your health historylab tests/blood worka pelvic examan ultrasoundmedications to make the abortion more comfortablemedication if you are Rh negativeantibiotics or other medicationsbirth control informationa birth control method
Before we can provide the abortion procedure we need to know patients' RH Factor (Blood Type). We can provide a lab requisition for this test for patients who do not have their RH Factor in writing.
Laws and Regulations
Medicaid accepted.
If you are uninsured, you may be eligible to receive financial assistance for your procedure. You can confidentially find out if you qualify by calling us at 800.769.0045.
If you are eligible for financial assistance, you may be asked to bring documentation with you to the health center.
If you are a minor considering an abortion, please read about parental consent and notification laws that might apply in your state.
Prices and Payment Information
Please contact this health center for abortion services pricing information.
Payment is expected at time of service unless other arrangements have previously been made.
Abortion services may be covered by your insurance. If you want to use your insurance, please be sure to bring in your insurance information at the time of your visit.
Contact InfoVISIT US
839 S Beretania Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
Get Directions
Fax: 206-788-8339
English; Interpretation by telephone available for other languages.
Services OfferedAbortion Services
- #7
Kapiolani Medical center for women & children
1319 punahou.
808 983-6000
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