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231. unskilful(951view/2res) Food / Gourmet 2023/06/15 19:01
232. uninsured optometry(1kview/5res) Beauty / Health 2023/06/13 11:33
233. About Infertility Testing(1kview/4res) Problem / Need advice 2023/06/08 14:36
234. Masks for Furloughs(1kview/8res) Question 2023/06/07 15:44
235. About U.S. Pensions(3kview/3res) Question 2023/06/07 07:58
236. I am looking for a Japanese speaking dentist.(1kview/4res) Problem / Need advice 2023/06/05 14:12
237. Which is the best way to send packages to Japan ??(747view/2res) Problem / Need advice 2023/06/05 12:09
238. Have you ever used or know of a reliable affair in...(1kview/6res) Problem / Need advice 2023/06/04 17:43
239. Workplace Injury. Workers Insurance in Hawaii ( Wo...(889view/4res) Problem / Need advice 2023/06/01 12:04
240. Is immigration at Haneda ? Honolulu Haneda - Nagoy...(2kview/17res) Question 2023/05/31 15:52


Food / Gourmet
  • 不味い
  • mail
  • 2023/06/15 11:40

Kettle No food court

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Not good enough.

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uninsured optometry

Beauty / Health
  • おめめ
  • 2023/06/09 17:21

Recently my eyes have suddenly deteriorated and I'm thinking about getting glasses or contacts.
I don't have insurance that I can use for my eyes, but how much does an eye exam cost ?
I would also like to know if you have any recommendations for an eye doctor or store.

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  • Eye
  • 2023/06/10 (Sat) 13:56
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私はアラモアナビルの中にあるEye Care Associates of Hawaii を利用しています。受付には日本人の方もいて日本語で対応してくれる日系の先生もいますよ。

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  • 保険
  • 2023/06/10 (Sat) 15:31
  • Report


redditで紹介されているVSPで試しに見積もりをしてみると(zip codeを入力するだけで見積もりができました)、Standardプランが$11.73/moと出ました。

私はAla Moana Eye CenterのDr. Yamamotoにお世話になっています。
何より、Dr. Yamamotoはとても丁寧なので、納得行くまで何度も何度も細かく眼鏡やコンタクトの度数やフィット感をチェックしてくれるのがとても良いです。


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  • Eye
  • 2023/06/11 (Sun) 15:32
  • Report

Correction and addition.
#4 reminded me that Cosco and Sam's, as I recall, don't have eye exams per se, just vision exams and tests to make glasses or contact lenses, so that's why they are cheaper. The Exam fee I mentioned before is the cost of the regular eye exam.
Contact Lens Fitting $ 85(I have insurance minus $ 25) Optomap Screeing $ 37(I am not sure what the heck this is. \I'm not sure what this is.
Also, my insurance will cover about $ 120 minutes a year to buy contact lenses or glasses.

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Thank you EYE, Insurance, and Contact Lover for your valuable information, it was very helpful. Thank you very much for the information.
I will use the information you gave me immediately !.

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About Infertility Testing

Problem / Need advice
  • プルメリア
  • mail
  • 2023/06/06 18:16

I am thinking of doing a fertility test, but I was wondering if you could recommend any hospitals or doctors ?

I have already had blood tests done at my family doctor, and there were no abnormalities in my numbers.
The doctor advised me to ask my acquaintances and look at word of mouth to decide on a doctor for the examination, and I have been researching on the Internet, but I have no clue how to decide.

I am not very good at English, so I am looking for a hospital with an interpreter.
I would appreciate any information you can give me.
Thank you very much.

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  • 体外受精で出産
  • 2023/06/06 (Tue) 20:30
  • Report

I am not sure of your situation, but are you only requesting tests ?
In my case, my primary care physician diagnosed me as infertile based on the definition of infertility ( I did not have blood tests ) and was referred to a fertility specialist, Dr. Fertility Institute of Hawaii ( FIH ) referred me to Dr. Frattarelli.
After the referral, we performed various fertility tests at FIH.
The infertility tests at FIH are on their website.

( My coordinator was not Japanese, but ) Fertility Institute of Hawaii had a Japanese IVF coordinator, so you may want to ask if they still have a Japanese coordinator.
They also have a page for Japanese.

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  • 2023/06/07 (Wed) 07:39
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I would recommend Fertility Institute of Hawaii.
The doctor is really GOD HAND.
I spent 6 years in Japan and 3 years in another clinic in Hawaii,
repeating from timing method to IVF several times
I spent enough money to buy one luxury car with cash.

Then I heard that someone I knew at Fertility Institute of Hawaii had IVF and her first baby at age 43, so I transferred.
After 10 years of various treatments, I was able to conceive and give birth at Fertility Institute of Hawaii in one session.
His god hands are famous and his culturist, lab, and other facilities
are just not on the same level as others.

We have assistants who can speak Japanese ? and nurses ? who are always with us
and translate for us.
If you are serious about pregnancy and childbirth, I really recommend it.

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  • 子宝
  • 2023/06/07 (Wed) 13:14
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I don't know if this is helpful, but here is my experience. In my case, there was no fertility test. Maybe I could have had such a test if I had wanted to, but I was just before 40 years of age, so I felt like I was going to try anyway rather than have a test.
Kapiolani Hospital is free of charge, and if you ask for an interpreter when you make an appointment, they will accompany you. I had to go to Kapiolani Hospital twice when I had an examination at a place other than the fertility doctor's office, and the doctor asked me to go there even though I didn't ask him. I was taken care of twice, once by a Japanese person and once by a non-Japanese person who could speak Japanese. The interpreter told me that he would come free of charge if I wanted.
At Kapiolani Hospital, Dr. Kosaka and Dr. Dominguez are famous, and I was taken care of by Dr. Kosaka. He is a pioneer of fertility treatment in Hawaii, but he is quite old. He doesn't seem to be planning to retire yet, but it makes me worry. He is always smiling, but he doesn't talk much and works fast, so the waiting time for appointments is usually short. Also, she never says anything negative or that makes me anxious.
I have heard that Dr.Domingues is a woman and she is very thorough in explaining detailed questions. But I didn't change from Dr.Kosaka because I thought I would change from Dr.Kosaka and when I went to the office appointment it was closed and I distrusted her.
I don't know about other fertility doctors.

In my case, I think my infertility was due to my advanced age and overworking. I was given the baby when I thought I had no choice but to give up because of my age.
I don't think you can get a baby because of this doctor. I think it is important to be able to go to the clinic without any difficulty and to be able to relax. May your wish come true.

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  • プルメリア
  • mail
  • 2023/06/08 (Thu) 14:36
  • Report

Thank you all so much for your detailed comments.
Also, I apologize for not being able to reply to you by the end of yesterday.

#2 Dear IVF birth,
For now, I am hoping to just have a test and depending on that test, I will rethink whether or not to do treatment.
I had never heard of anyone who had undergone FIH, so I am very grateful for that, and thank you for taking the time to post your website. !
I will try to contact Japanese staffs from the Japanese page that you told me about !

#3 Thank you Suna,
for sharing your precious experience with me. My sister is currently in Japan for 3 years for fertility treatment, and she told me that it is getting harder and harder both financially and emotionally. If the doctors and clinics are on such a different level, I was thinking of talking to my sister about it. I am very relieved that an interpreter is there every time and I think I will go to this clinic. !

#4 Thank you for pushing me to go to this clinic
There is a pattern of not having fertility tests ! As you said, I had heard that Kapiolani Hospital is the place to go for fertility treatment in Hawaii ・ I thought that Kapiolani Hospital is the place to go for childbirth, I had heard that Kapiolani Hospital was the place to go for childbirth, but I was a little concerned about the fact that the doctor was very old. I was also troubled by the mixed reviews about the interpreters, but I didn't know much about Dr. Dominguez, so thank you very much for the information. Thank you also for your concern. I am currently stress-free, and I hope that things will turn out well, although it may be with the help of the clinic.

Thank you all so much !
You have been very helpful and encouraging.
Thank you very much !

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Masks for Furloughs

  • コロコロ
  • mail
  • 2023/05/29 18:39

For those of you who have recently returned to Japan, what was the situation like wearing masks in Japan? Did you feel like you had to wear a mask from the moment you arrived at the airport?

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  • コロコロ
  • 2023/05/29 (Mon) 23:32
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Thank you
I am completely used to living without masks, but I see that most people in Japan still wear masks. I will be returning to Japan temporarily soon, so I will prepare masks for the whole family in my baggage.

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  • T.S
  • 2023/06/03 (Sat) 11:50
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I returned to Honolulu today after two weeks in Japan. I was frequently traveling by train from Kanagawa Prefecture to Tokyo and back, but I did not wear a mask even once.
It was a comfortable temporary return to Japan without anyone giving me a white eye.

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I am currently in Japan.
It depends on the area, but as of early June, the mask rate is 50% in Fukuoka and Osaka. My family was vaccinated in April and we are wearing no masks in Japan. We have not had any trouble in Genjide.

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I am returning home temporarily.

It is not obligatory, so you don't have to think too much about it.

People are people, and you should wear it according to your judgment at the time, the small space and your own physical condition.

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  • トピ主コロコロ
  • 2023/06/07 (Wed) 15:44
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Thank you
It seems that different areas have different rates of wearing masks. I returned to Japan last week, and in the area where my parents live, everyone is still wearing masks, and I don't see any people without masks in stores. I bought a mask at a drugstore and have been wearing it for a while.

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About U.S. Pensions

  • アロハ生活
  • mail
  • 2023/06/06 13:40

If anyone can help me out, please let me know.
I was a housewife in Japan. I came to Hawaii with my husband and have been working for the past 3 years
and have been earning income through payroll.
I have a question on this condition.
I heard that you have to work more than 10 years to get pension in the U.S. I also heard that the period of time you worked in Japan can be added to this 10 years
I wonder if that is true ?
I would appreciate if you could also tell me how to check my current status, etc. I would appreciate it if you could also tell me how to check my current condition.

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Under the U.S.-Japan Social Security Agreement, those who have worked in the U.S. for more than 1 . 5 years may total their U.S.-Japan enrollment periods. ( See below )
It will depend on whether you and your husband will be working in Japan or the U.S., and whether you will retire in Japan or the U.S., and whether you will receive a pension from the U.S. or Japan. In my case, I worked in Japan for more than 10 years and paid voluntary National Pension Insurance contributions until the pensionable age. I also worked in the U.S. for more than 10 years to qualify for the pension, so I applied for both the Japanese and U.S. pensions separately and received both the Japanese and U.S. pensions without totaling them. The specific amount of the pension will be calculated according to each individual's circumstances, so I suggest that you consult with the pension office in Japan or the U.S., depending on which has more weight in your Japanese or U.S. pension. The relevant Japanese pension office is below. Also, I would like to mention a reference site. 5%B9%B4%E9%87%91%E5%88%B6%E5%BA%A6%E3%81%A7%E7%B5%B6%E5%AF%BE%E3%81%AB%E7%9F%A5%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A6%E3%82%82%E3%82%89%E3%81%84%E3%81 %9F%E3%81%84%E3%81%93%E3%81%A8/

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We understand that the intent of your question is to confirm whether you can receive a
pension in the US or Japan if you have been making pension payments for a total of 10 years in Japan and the US.
Please see the following excerpt for the answer.

"The "U.S.-Japan Social Security Agreement" was signed in 2005. The U.S.-Japan Social Security Agreement is that if the minimum enrollment period for pension benefits in one country is not met,
the enrollment period in the pension system of the other country can be counted.
For example, before the agreement was signed, if you had seven years of participation in the U.S. pension system and three years in the Japanese pension system, you could not receive a pension from either country
because you did not meet the eligibility requirements in each country. However,
after the agreement was signed, they could receive the U.S. pension for 10 years by adding three years of Japanese pension to the U.S. pension."

As you can see from this explanation, if the total number of years in the U.S. and Japan exceeds 10 years, you can receive
pensions in both countries.

However, the procedure to receive this in both Japan and the U.S. is very time-consuming to process, unlike the understanding of this treaty.
Processing the pension in Japan also involves quite a bit of paperwork and other documents when applying, and anyway, the Pension Service requires many
application forms, and the process is so tedious that a proxy, such as a relative in Japan, is needed.
Furthermore, applying for Social Security benefits in the U.S. is also not that much
hassle if you have 10 years of credit, and can be processed by applying on the web or by bringing the application form and proof of identity
to the Social Security office However, if you do not have
10 years of credit and you are combining your pension with a pension from outside the U.S.,
how you prove it
depends greatly on the person in charge of the Social Security office.

Simply put, it is beyond imagination how to prove and convince the person in charge that your record is the same as someone who worked in Japan for 7 years and paid into the pension system and who has only
paid into US Social Security for 3 years.

In addition, there are rules that reduce the amount of the pension in the US if you receive a pension in Japan or the US,
and even with that much hassle, the amount you pay for 3 years of Social Security in the US
will probably be disappointingly I think you can assume that it will be a very small amount.

Therefore, while it is possible to receive Social Security benefits under the regulations, the individual process can be quite
time-consuming and, simply put, not worth it.

Please note that your questions on the bulletin board are for reference only, and if you actually take action, please take
advice from experts and others so as not to waste time and effort.

Speaking from experience, it takes time anyway, and even if you are eligible to receive benefits in Japan and the U.S.,
you will be required to send a "status report" every year, which is a notarial certificate to prove that you are alive,
and also once every three years, an IRS tax certificate, Form 6166
such as sending Form 6166, which is an annual process.

And last but not least,
the amount of money you will receive will not be enough to support your lifestyle. Please understand.

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  • アロハ生活
  • 2023/06/07 (Wed) 07:58
  • Report

Thank you SJDummy for your reply.
I will take the time to look at the two sites and try to understand them.
The pension system is a bit complicated and I have not looked at it properly, so I will have to study it carefully.
Thank you tax man
You have always given me detailed advice on my tax questions here at Vivinavi.
I understood very well again.
Thank you very much.
While I can still work, I will try my best to work hard here, pay my taxes, and get my US pension alone

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I am looking for a Japanese speaking dentist.

Problem / Need advice
  • 歯医者さん
  • mail
  • 2023/06/04 11:47

If anyone knows of a dentist who speaks Japanese and can be trusted, please let me know.

I have checked and found several, but I posted this in the hope that some of you have actually experienced treatment.
Thank you very much.

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  • こーの字
  • 2023/06/05 (Mon) 13:40
  • Report

Don ・ I have been under the care of Dr. Sano, who practices in the PAN AM building by Quixote.
I have had six-month checkups, small cavities, and fillings repaired and I am satisfied.
I have not had any major treatment. They seem to be busy with appointments, so please inquire in advance about availability.

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  • 歯医者さん
  • 2023/06/05 (Mon) 14:12
  • Report

Thank you for contacting us. I am glad to hear from someone who is actually going through the process.
I will check it out as soon as possible.

Thank you.

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Which is the best way to send packages to Japan ??

Problem / Need advice
  • LoveKihei
  • mail
  • 2023/06/04 17:25

I would like to send a package weighing 10 to 20 kg to Japan, which is more economical, taking it to the post office or hiring a private company such as Sagawa Express ? or how long does it take ? The size will be about 50cmx20cm and 40cm high.
I would appreciate your advice based on your experience.

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Assuming a weight of 15 kg, USPS comes out to about $ 200, Yamato International Takkyubin $ 150 ( ) not including fuel surcharge, Jetpack $ 120 ( ) not including fuel surcharge, FEDEX $ 687. 687 came out to be 687. In my experience, Yamato seems to be relatively fast and reliable; USPS is not so reliable and unreliable with their estimated dates. I have never used Nittsu or FEDEX.

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  • LoveKihei
  • 2023/06/05 (Mon) 12:09
  • Report

Thank you for your specific information and advice from your experience. It was very helpful.

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Have you ever used or know of a reliable affair investigation or box office?

Problem / Need advice
  • Mana
  • mail
  • 2023/06/01 07:50

Hello I am posting this to get some information and opinions from you all.

My husband is a US military man.
He divorced me a few months ago.
I put a recording device in his bag because I was suspicious of his actions and behavior.
( I have already checked with my lawyer to see if this is against the law. )
As a result, we were able to hear the scene where he went into the woman's house and the conversation that lasted over 3 hours.
I know cheating and adultery are not usually covered by alimony in Hawaii, but
my husband is active duty military, so if we have proof, he will be court-martialed and given a dishonorable discharge or demotion, and
the other woman is also active duty and will be punished in the same way.

If you have hired a detective before or have had the same experience as me,
please let me know.

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I have hired a detective in Japan, but not in the U.S., so this is not an answer regarding cheating investigations and entertainment agencies, but you know that if you have been married to a U.S. military husband for more than 10 years, the mri wife is entitled to receive pension and other benefits after the divorce. But if your husband's rank is reduced or he is dishonorably discharged because of your accusing him to the military, your benefits from the military will also be reduced. You will not gain anything by accusing your husband of cheating on you with the military out of spite. There are many benefits for Miri wives and children with U.S. military husbands, including health insurance and educational benefits. I think it would be smarter to do your research on marriages with US military husbands and if you are divorcing, act in a way that will allow you to have a secure life after the divorce, including the division of marital property such as TSP.

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  • mik
  • 2023/06/01 (Thu) 11:39
  • Report

In Hawaii, 60% of international marriages ( divorce within 5 years. The divorce rate between a Japanese wife and her American Caucasian husband within 5 years is 80% in the U.S. mainland and 90% in Hawaii.

From this rate, it would be a miracle if the marriage lasts more than 10 years ?
You were prepared for this when you chose to marry an American ?.

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  • 2023/06/01 (Thu) 20:10
  • Report

You have the option of not separating.
You have to be careful, you should not receive divorce papers from your husband in the mail.

In that case
receipt equals

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  • Mana
  • 2023/06/02 (Fri) 21:52
  • Report

Thank you for your valuable input, ex-mil wife. I knew about the Benefit. I am sorry I didn't write that I don't mind not getting the Benefit because I have more income than him and no children.

KUMIHASHI, thank you for telling me that I did not know that I should not receive it in the mail.

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  • 某ユーザー
  • mail
  • 2023/06/04 (Sun) 12:50
  • Report

I would gather a lot of evidence
before giving it to him because of his cowardly ways
and then end it publicly.
I'm rooting for you, Topy.
Good luck.

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Workplace Injury. Workers Insurance in Hawaii ( Workers' Compensation )

Problem / Need advice
  • Nalu
  • mail
  • 2023/05/25 09:43

Hi, I was injured while working. The owner of the small business is very kind and says he will do what he can to help me, but this has never happened before and I would be very grateful if anyone knows of any procedures or information about labor insurance ( procedures for injuries sustained while working ). Thank you in advance.

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It can be done smoothly if you have the company's contracted insurance agent prepare the documents for you. 
You are supposed to fill in the documents from the hospital, the working conditions (hourly wage, hours), and the status of your injury.

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  • PJ
  • 2023/05/27 (Sat) 15:49
  • Report

If you are injured at work, do not do it on your own insurance. It will only be a WORKERS COMP.
The owner should contact your insurance company and ask them about it, but for now, when you go to the clinic, tell them that you are a workers comp. They will fill out the paperwork and tell you what you need to do. Please make sure to get the owner's consent. It is obligatory.

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  • Nalu
  • 2023/06/01 (Thu) 12:04
  • Report

Thank you workman comp, Maisama, and PJ for the information.
It was very helpful.

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Is immigration at Haneda ? Honolulu Haneda - Nagoya

  • もも
  • mail
  • 2023/05/25 12:41

I live in Hawaii and will be purchasing an air ticket from Honolulu to Nagoya via Haneda. I am also considering staying overnight in Haneda, since most of the ticket choices were for an overnight arrival at Haneda and a morning flight from Haneda to Nagoya the next day.

In that case, can I go through immigration when I arrive at Haneda from Honolulu, and then I can move freely around Haneda until my flight the next morning?

By the way, I would be very happy if anyone who has made a connection to a regional area and stayed overnight in or near Haneda Airport could give me any recommendations.

Thank you in advance.

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I very much appreciated reading your information on 2022 and 2023. It is valuable information that last year you had to travel and stay overnight because of the PCR test, and that you had to pay for it yourself.
Even though there is no PCR now, it is still possible to ・ ・ ・ pay for it the next day on your own if you don't have enough time. This time, I was lost in a flight with a 1.5 hour connection at Haneda, but I was a little worried so I decided to take the flight after that.
I would be very happy to receive such information as whether or not there is room to stop at stores and how well stocked they are.

Thank you very much.
Thank you very much ! ! !

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  • もも
  • 2023/05/31 (Wed) 10:44
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I thought it was a long time ago that I had been through Narita and had to go through immigration at the final destination (in my case Nagoya )), but I guess it could have been because I went through Narita. At that time, as you say, the flight between Narita and Nagoya was treated as an international flight.
If you have to go through immigration in Nagoya and arrive in the evening, it will be late if you have to go through immigration there, so it would be nice to go through immigration at Haneda.

This time, I took a JAL flight to Nagoya via Haneda.
Thanks to the information I received about the immigration check at Haneda, I thought of staying overnight at Haneda, but ・ ・ ・ I had plans right after my return, so I had to take a same-day flight to Nagoya. !

As for the return flight, as you said, the connection time at Haneda or Narita is long.
I decided to depart from Nagoya after 2:00 p.m. because with a morning flight from Centrair, I would have to consider an overnight stay at the airport the day before.

I wonder why the JAL counter is so hard to connect ・ ・ ・
It is really inconvenient. I have to wait for hours with the phone connected and listening to that music ・ ・ ・ I would like to avoid that, but I really hope it will improve somehow.

Delta removed from Centrair? !
I didn't know that.
I had a bad experience with Delta in the past, so I try to fly JAL as much as possible, but it is not easy to change when I think about convenience and miles ・ ・ ・
You can never predict what will happen in the future, even in the airline industry.

Thank you very much for your frequent and varied information ! ! !

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  • もも
  • 2023/05/31 (Wed) 10:55
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Thank you very much for sharing your experience of Haneda transfer.
After hearing that, I wanted to stay overnight in Haneda and visit many places ! but I had to give up this time because of my immediate schedule after returning to Japan. I couldn't get the flight I wanted this time, but thanks to the information you gave me, I will be able to stay overnight and see Tokyo, which is an exciting and gratifying experience for a countryman from a rural area.
Even if I have to pay for the change on the way back, if I think I can save the cost of the Shinkansen, I am thinking that an overnight stay may be possible ・ ・ ・.

The information of May 25th is very latest !
It is full even at this time of the year ・ ・ ・
The return flight is in the middle of summer vacation and Obon, it is surely full.

Thanks a lot for your valuable information ! ! !

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  • こーの字
  • 2023/05/31 (Wed) 11:46
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Thank you very much for raising this thread with Bing's timing.
I am glad to hear about various people's experiences. I'm finally going to be able to schedule an appointment here in the next few days.
( It looks like the fuel surcharge is going down a bit starting today or tomorrow ).

I am almost certain that I will be using JAL, and I will try to decide whether to choose a direct flight date or a via flight to give me more flexibility in my itinerary. If the itinerary is good enough to eat a lot of ramen noodles in Tokyo on the way back, the Nagoya flight after 2:00 p.m. is just right. I wondered if Delta is a company that takes a very serious review . Honolulu-Nagoya is not an option, but
Honolulu-Haneda has been postponed several times. There seems to be a plan to make Incheon Airport in Seoul into an Asian hub, so maybe Japan flights are on the back burner.

Have a nice trip, Momo-san!

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  • こーの字
  • 2023/05/31 (Wed) 15:52
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By the way, I'm looking up HNL-NGO on JAL's booking site, and
there seems to be a bug with the recent system update.

It is a bug, but the correct date is not selected when I click on the outbound and inbound date tabs.
For example, if I want to select 6/23 (Fri.) for return, I have to select 6/24 (Sat.) ) and
if I want to select 7/3 ( Mon. ) for outbound, I have to select 7/4 (Tue.) for return.
Chrome and Microsoft Edge confirm this.

Even if I want to tell JAL, I can't call or connect ~.
In the meantime, I reported it on the online form.
If anyone from JAL or JAL PAK is reading this, please contact the relevant department.

This text has been translated by auto-translation. There may be a slight difference between the original text and the translation. (Original Language: 日本語)

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