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  • りんご
  • 2022/01/10 22:59


A potential eligibility issue for your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claim was identified on March 4, 2021, impacting your claim. Information about the agency's determination of this issue and its impact on your benefit eligibility is explained below. You should keep this letter for reference throughout the duration of your claim.
Your claim for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits is APPROVED, as long as you meet all other eligibility requirements.
Appeal Rights
If you disagree with this determination, you have the right to file an appeal. Your appeal must be received within 10 calendar days from the issue date of this determination. The deadline may be extended to 30 days by the appeals officer if “good cause” is established. To file an appeal online, go to https://pua.hawaii.gov/ and log in to your account. Select the "More..." tab and click on the "File an Appeal" link. You will be asked for a Letter ID that can be found at the top right-hand corner of the decision you are appealing. Enter the reason you are appealing in the available text box and submit the request. If you are unable to file your appeal online, please mail your appeal and this letter to the Employment Security Appeals Referees Office (ESARO), 830 Punchbowl St. Room 429, Honolulu, HI 96813. If you are still unemployed while waiting for a hearing, you must continue to request benefit payments by filing your weekly claim certifications each week. Even if your initial determination is reversed, you will not receive benefit payments for the weeks that you did not file your weekly claim certification


“ PUAからのレター ” に対する書き込みの有効期限は終了しました。