Hear episodes not found in guidebooks and experience moving stories on a guided tour in Japanese ! The Battleship Missouri Memorial is a historical memorial moored at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu. Pearl Harbor is located approximately 5 km from Honolulu International Airport and 18 km from Waikiki. Pearl Harbor also has other World War II related sites that should be visited in combination. The Battleship Missouri Wharf also has a Battle Shop ( Gift Shop ), Slider's Grill ( Food Truck ), and a Shave Ice Stand.

On September 2, 1945, a surrender ceremony was held on board the battleship Missouri while anchored in Tokyo Bay, officially ending World War II. The battleship Missouri is currently moored at Pearl Harbor, facing the battleship Arizona, which was sunk in the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, symbolizing the place where World War II began and ended. The Battleship Missouri was the last American battleship in active service in the world, but it is also a battleship with a very close connection to Japan.

Mike Carr, Chairman and CEO of the Battleship Missouri Memorial Museum, says, "We have visitors from all over the world, but especially from Japan." He said. "The Battleship Missouri is a symbol of peace, a place where the war ended for the United States and Japan. That's why it's important for us to enhance the tours we offer to our Japanese guests."

Japanese-language guided tours allow visitors to hear episodes not covered in the guidebooks and walk on board the ship to gain a deeper understanding of its history by actually standing in the historical setting.

Battleship Missouri Memorial
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